Friday, September 30, 2005
Owner's speciality
Some things never change.
A few of you would remember that I started blogging using the nick "The Procrastinator". Yup, that's me. It has been like that for me for as long as I can rememebr. "Why do it now when you can put it off to later" was my tag-line in everything I did.
So when it came to Uni essays, filing affidavits for work, doing chores etc., it has always been left to the last minute.
At this point of time, I have not finished packing yet! My flight is tomorrow nite!
I have no excuses. I actually started packing a month ago! I knew I was leaving since more than one year ago! Yet, all my bags are not packed, I'm not ready to go...
Anyways... I still had time to catch a movie! Flight Plan. I figured that the airline would not be screening such a movie!!!!!
It was excellent. Sure, after the movie, if you sat down and think hard about the show, you'd prolly find some holes in the plot here and there. But to me, you go watch a movie to be entertained - and entertained I was!
Something weird happened during the movie, tho. It was one of the scenes in the plane that suddenly freaked me out! It was simply the dark gloomy atmosphere in one of the scenes.
I've been telling a lot of people that I am scared - more now as the hour draws closer! I'm dreading the long miserable 13 hour flight where I'll be all alone without me mates and me family.
If I had a chance now, I'd prolly decide not to go. But I won't. I'll still go. And I'll just look back at this pre-departure jitters and laugh!
Still, it is not as easy as I thought it would be. I've been spending so much time wif mates and family - in the past week, I've been having "The Last Supper" every nite - wif Jon and Jee Lee (Sunday), wif me BSF mates (Monday), wif me "Bar-BQ Wings gang" (Tuesday), wif me cell group (Wednesday), wif another mate last nite and tonite wif some ex-Uni mates! Been having lunches and breakfasts and dinner (I'm scared of eating oredi!) wif so many wonderful people. It has just made me wonder - why am I leaving all these people???
To do wat I have always wanted to do. To make myself a more useful person for God. Oh, and to watch more musicals in London! ;-P
A few of you would remember that I started blogging using the nick "The Procrastinator". Yup, that's me. It has been like that for me for as long as I can rememebr. "Why do it now when you can put it off to later" was my tag-line in everything I did.
So when it came to Uni essays, filing affidavits for work, doing chores etc., it has always been left to the last minute.
At this point of time, I have not finished packing yet! My flight is tomorrow nite!
I have no excuses. I actually started packing a month ago! I knew I was leaving since more than one year ago! Yet, all my bags are not packed, I'm not ready to go...
Anyways... I still had time to catch a movie! Flight Plan. I figured that the airline would not be screening such a movie!!!!!
A very much older Jodie Foster - but she's still brilliant as ever!
It was excellent. Sure, after the movie, if you sat down and think hard about the show, you'd prolly find some holes in the plot here and there. But to me, you go watch a movie to be entertained - and entertained I was!
Something weird happened during the movie, tho. It was one of the scenes in the plane that suddenly freaked me out! It was simply the dark gloomy atmosphere in one of the scenes.
I've been telling a lot of people that I am scared - more now as the hour draws closer! I'm dreading the long miserable 13 hour flight where I'll be all alone without me mates and me family.
If I had a chance now, I'd prolly decide not to go. But I won't. I'll still go. And I'll just look back at this pre-departure jitters and laugh!
Still, it is not as easy as I thought it would be. I've been spending so much time wif mates and family - in the past week, I've been having "The Last Supper" every nite - wif Jon and Jee Lee (Sunday), wif me BSF mates (Monday), wif me "Bar-BQ Wings gang" (Tuesday), wif me cell group (Wednesday), wif another mate last nite and tonite wif some ex-Uni mates! Been having lunches and breakfasts and dinner (I'm scared of eating oredi!) wif so many wonderful people. It has just made me wonder - why am I leaving all these people???
To do wat I have always wanted to do. To make myself a more useful person for God. Oh, and to watch more musicals in London! ;-P
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Lamb chop/mutton
" 'If the offering is a burnt offering from the flock, from either the sheep or the goats, he is to offer a male without defect. ...He is to cut it into pieces, ... wash the inner parts and the legs with water, and the priest is to bring all of it and burn it on the altar. It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.' "
Leviticus 1v10-13
Betapa hatiku Tuhan, berterima kasih Yesus
Kau mengasihi ku, Tuhan. Kau memiliki ku.
Hanya ini Tuhan, persembahan ku
Segenap hidupku, jiwa dan raga ku
S’bab tak ku miliki, harta kekayaan
Yang cukup bererti ‘tuk ku persembahkan
Hanya ini Tuhan, permohonan ku
Terimalah Tuhan persembahan ku
Pakailah hidupku, sebagai alatmu
Seumur hidupku.
Kau mengasihi ku, Tuhan. Kau memiliki ku.
Hanya ini Tuhan, persembahan ku
Segenap hidupku, jiwa dan raga ku
S’bab tak ku miliki, harta kekayaan
Yang cukup bererti ‘tuk ku persembahkan
Hanya ini Tuhan, permohonan ku
Terimalah Tuhan persembahan ku
Pakailah hidupku, sebagai alatmu
Seumur hidupku.
(Loose translation:-
Lord, how my heart wants to thank Jesus
You love me, Lord. You own me
Only this is what I can offer
My whole life, my heart and soul
Because I do not possess riches
That are sufficient/meaningful enough for me to offer
Only this is what I ask
Receive, Lord, my offering
Use my life as your instrument
As long as I live)
Lord, how my heart wants to thank Jesus
You love me, Lord. You own me
Only this is what I can offer
My whole life, my heart and soul
Because I do not possess riches
That are sufficient/meaningful enough for me to offer
Only this is what I ask
Receive, Lord, my offering
Use my life as your instrument
As long as I live)
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Romans 12v1
Romans 12v1
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday Supper Special!
Last nite, I went out wif a couple of me mates again. It was supposed to be a repeat of wat took place last Tuesday!!!!
We (the same 3) went out too last Tuesday - and had an eating spree!!!! Here's wat we had:-

Cockles dipped in the special sauce (chille, nuts, soy sauce etc.)

Satay (Barbequed skewered meat)
And we had Penang Loh Bak too - sori no pic.
Last nite turned out to be another gluttony session! We actually wanted to go and try the famous Bar-B-Q Chicken Wings which we failed to the week before (the wings we had apparently is not the famous "BAR-B-Q Chicken Wings"). To our dismay, the Bar-B-Q Chicken Wing stall wasn't opened!!!! Sigh...
Anyways, we had barbequed dried meat (while listening to a live band - serious!), fried rice noodles, fried oysters, A&W Root-beer float (sumthing which we had been craving for since last week-end) and Waffles!
But it's not so much the food but the company.
I mean, one of us had to work on Wednesday morning, another actually missed watching "Desperate Housewives" 2 weeks in a row, and I was totally exhausted and felt like I was gonna fall sick.
But yet we went and stayed out til the early hours of the morning. We talked about anything and everything - from armpit hair to... erm.. other kinds of hair, other people, strangers, our dreams, our fears, our families, our frens etc. The openess was so refreshing. I realised today that with them, it was the first time in so long that I talked about "W" so openly. I din even refer to her as "W" but by her real name!
It is hard to come to a point when you can share freely without any fear, be your crazy self, confront each other openly wif personal or even embarrassing questions and laugh at ourselves. (Oh, we laughed at others too ;-P)
I was actually quite sad (but I din cry! :-P) at the end of the nite as I realised that we won't be doing the same again next Tuesday nite - or any other Tuesday nites in the near future.
We (the same 3) went out too last Tuesday - and had an eating spree!!!! Here's wat we had:-

BBQ-ed chicken wings

Cockles dipped in the special sauce (chille, nuts, soy sauce etc.)

Satay (Barbequed skewered meat)
And we had Penang Loh Bak too - sori no pic.
Last nite turned out to be another gluttony session! We actually wanted to go and try the famous Bar-B-Q Chicken Wings which we failed to the week before (the wings we had apparently is not the famous "BAR-B-Q Chicken Wings"). To our dismay, the Bar-B-Q Chicken Wing stall wasn't opened!!!! Sigh...
Anyways, we had barbequed dried meat (while listening to a live band - serious!), fried rice noodles, fried oysters, A&W Root-beer float (sumthing which we had been craving for since last week-end) and Waffles!
But it's not so much the food but the company.
I mean, one of us had to work on Wednesday morning, another actually missed watching "Desperate Housewives" 2 weeks in a row, and I was totally exhausted and felt like I was gonna fall sick.
But yet we went and stayed out til the early hours of the morning. We talked about anything and everything - from armpit hair to... erm.. other kinds of hair, other people, strangers, our dreams, our fears, our families, our frens etc. The openess was so refreshing. I realised today that with them, it was the first time in so long that I talked about "W" so openly. I din even refer to her as "W" but by her real name!
It is hard to come to a point when you can share freely without any fear, be your crazy self, confront each other openly wif personal or even embarrassing questions and laugh at ourselves. (Oh, we laughed at others too ;-P)
I was actually quite sad (but I din cry! :-P) at the end of the nite as I realised that we won't be doing the same again next Tuesday nite - or any other Tuesday nites in the near future.
Onions and chocolates
Been pretty emotional lately (or as sum people put it, a "wuss")!
OK, ok, me admit me have always been a cry baby! I guess it's the feeling of "release" when the tears flow that makes me cry so easily. Prolly one of the worst experiences I have had was being unable to cry when hurting.
But there has been a few occasions too many lately when I had tears in my eyes:-
1. After the camp we had for our frens in Temerloh last month, we had to say goodbye and there were many a teary eye - mine too.
2. Saying my first goodbye to a close mate up north - the reality of the situation finally sank in - I am leaving me close mates!
3. Last weekend, while worshipping in the wooden Church building in the middle of a jungle which I had helped to paint 2 years ago, I was touched at the sight of the young people there gathering together as God's children to worship him. It was wonderful to see how God is working in their lives.
4. After Andrew's birthday party, I was walking to my car parked parked far away - and I know I'd miss him so much.
5. Despite me drawing away from God, he showed that he still cared for me and that he still wanted me to live for him.
Heck, I even cried when I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!!!! Really! It was the scene when Charlie was given his anual bar of chocolate on his birthday and he opened it in front of his whole family. Even tho I had read the book and knew exactly what was gonna happen, the scene brought tears to my eyes!
Excellent movie. Excellent Johnny Depp (as usual!).
As I was thinking about it, I realised that each time I had tears in my eyes, it was not so much because of bad, horrible and hurtful things. On the contrary, it was the opposite. It was because of the wonderful family I have, the brilliant frens I have made, the excellent moments I had while serving God and the wonderful love of my Lord Jesus which touched me so much that I cried.
I'm broke (actually, in debt), going away alone, and the future is uncertain. But I can truly say this - I am so blessed! :-)
OK, ok, me admit me have always been a cry baby! I guess it's the feeling of "release" when the tears flow that makes me cry so easily. Prolly one of the worst experiences I have had was being unable to cry when hurting.
But there has been a few occasions too many lately when I had tears in my eyes:-
1. After the camp we had for our frens in Temerloh last month, we had to say goodbye and there were many a teary eye - mine too.
2. Saying my first goodbye to a close mate up north - the reality of the situation finally sank in - I am leaving me close mates!
3. Last weekend, while worshipping in the wooden Church building in the middle of a jungle which I had helped to paint 2 years ago, I was touched at the sight of the young people there gathering together as God's children to worship him. It was wonderful to see how God is working in their lives.
4. After Andrew's birthday party, I was walking to my car parked parked far away - and I know I'd miss him so much.
5. Despite me drawing away from God, he showed that he still cared for me and that he still wanted me to live for him.
Heck, I even cried when I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!!!! Really! It was the scene when Charlie was given his anual bar of chocolate on his birthday and he opened it in front of his whole family. Even tho I had read the book and knew exactly what was gonna happen, the scene brought tears to my eyes!
Excellent movie. Excellent Johnny Depp (as usual!).
As I was thinking about it, I realised that each time I had tears in my eyes, it was not so much because of bad, horrible and hurtful things. On the contrary, it was the opposite. It was because of the wonderful family I have, the brilliant frens I have made, the excellent moments I had while serving God and the wonderful love of my Lord Jesus which touched me so much that I cried.
I'm broke (actually, in debt), going away alone, and the future is uncertain. But I can truly say this - I am so blessed! :-)
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Black forest cake
Today is Andrew Lai's birthday. He turns 5 years old!

It was a happy occasion when both set of his grandparents as well as all his uncles and aunties were present. :-)
His maternal grandmom was chatting wif me after dinner. She was saying how brave I am to travel all the way to the UK all alone to do my Masters. I smiled. If only she knew how scared I am (or wat a "wuss" I am).
I'm gonna miss Andrew so so much!

Have a slice of cake, suok-suok!
We had the celebration and cake cutting on Sunday. To view the pics, you can click here.It was a happy occasion when both set of his grandparents as well as all his uncles and aunties were present. :-)
His maternal grandmom was chatting wif me after dinner. She was saying how brave I am to travel all the way to the UK all alone to do my Masters. I smiled. If only she knew how scared I am (or wat a "wuss" I am).
I'm gonna miss Andrew so so much!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Nasi lemak*
*rice cooked in coconut milk served usually with hot spicy sauce, anchovies, peanuts and cucumber
Last nite was my last Area Home Fellowship (“AHF”) meeting.
As a treat, one of the ladies, Angela made her special nasi lemak. Just for me! It was nice of her and of them to remember me. The nasi lemak was excellent! :-)
I had a great time too studying God’s word. We were looking at this verse:-
“…because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13v5)
As I read that verse, a still small voice spoke to me:-
“Remember more than 10 years ago when you were still young and left your family and frens for the first time? Remember how when you were in London and you never lacked anything? I did not leave you back then. I did not forsake you.
Now, as you go to Essex, dun you forget – I will never leave you, I will never forsake you.”
Thanks Lord. It’s a great comfort knowing and being reminded of that.
Harm choy* soup
*a type of salted preserved vegetable
Here’s an excerpt of an e-mail I sent to out to some of me mates at 3:13 am yesterday morning:-
i'm suddenly freaking out that i won't get my flight ticket. can't sleep so got up and tried to do the discussion just now. o well... pls pray that i'll get a good priced ticket. i HAVE to get one which departs sat nite so i'll be there on sun morn cuz my uni only having bus pick-ups on sun morn!
It din help that quite a number of me mates were freaking out when they heard I have procrastinated buying my flight ticket!!!
I finally got sleep shortly after that mail (and some desperate prayers).
Well, to cut the long story short, I manage to get me flight ticket oredi. Thank God for it. No problems.
Flight no. MH 2
Departure: Kuala Lumpur 2340 hours, 1st October, 2005
Arrival: London 0550 hours, 2nd October, 2005
To put the icing on the cake, after I got me ticket, I was wondering around town and came across this chicken rice stall which was in an alleyway! The wonderful aroma of the rice and roast chicken caught my attention and I had me lunch there. The bonus of it ws that they served “harm choy” soup there! Authentic style – wif some roast pork, chicken bones, toufu, tomato and of course, harm choy!
I never thought I’d get to drink it before I go. I actually thought about it but decided against asking me parents to make it. It’s our “standard issue” soup that we drink during EVERY Chinese New Year celebrations. For you non-Chinese, the Chinese New Year celebrations is preceded by a reunion dinner. It is always a wonderful time when family members from all over will return to their homes and have a hearty meal together. The only time I have missed it was in 1994 when I was in London. The 2nd time I’ll miss it will be next year. :-(
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Fried chicken from the "Maybank mamak" at Paramount Garden.
I'm gonna miss it - but I'll miss hanging out wif me mates there more!
I'm gonna miss it - but I'll miss hanging out wif me mates there more!

12 years ago today, I woke up for the first time in Room 121, Marley Hall at the University of East London. It was a great feeling. A cool autumn morning. The excitement level was high. There I was, on the brink of a whole new experience in a whole new world. The best thing about it? Me mates were in the rooms right next to mine! Soon, we would be having breakfast together and then going out for shopping. We’ll be going to the City of London too!
The first 2 weeks turned out to be a vacation for us.
Here I am now, wif less than 2 and a half weeks before waking up in a cool autumn morning in a land far away. And I’m dreading it. I’m scared.
*Check out the list of things I’m scared of here.*
The main difference between then and now is that now, I’ll be alone.
Just the other nite, I was out wif a couple of mates – 2 girls – and they were talking about…. ARM PIT HAIR!!!! Yeah, they were exchanging tips on how they get rid of arm pit hair. It was too much information for me that I did not need to know and would still spend the rest of my life meaningfully without knowing it!
But that’s the beauty of my frenship wif them – and for my frenship wif quite a number of others. We have come to a point where we are just so comfortable wif each other. We know each other so well (too well, actually) and we have learnt to love each other in spite of our weird and irritating habits.
Then, I was reading some old letters I sent out to Shona when I got back home from London 11 years ago. I wasn’t happy back then cuz I missed London but more so, I felt so out of place when I got back. I could sense the distance between me and my mates back then. We had moved on, but for me, I had moved on in a different direction.
As most of you know, I was supposed to leave to do my studies last year. But I didn’t. Now one year passed and so many things have changed.
In this past year or so, I’ve drawn so much closer to so many people – sumthing which I know would not have happened if I was still a high flying partner in a law firm. I’ve drawn closer to my family members, I’ve drawn closer to my mates. And just like someone who discovered a treasure only to discover that he can’t take it away wif him, I fear if I leave now, I would lose it all. Would things ever be the same again wif me mates? Would things be the same again wif me family?
When I look back to the past year, it was like God wanted me to learn (and unlearn) so many things and the only way to achieve that was to go thru a year like wat I went thru. Perhaps one of the more important (if not the most) thing I have learnt is the value of my frens and my family.
So fine. I have learnt it Lord. Now do I really have to leave???
It’s so funny – last year, I couldn’t wait to leave the country. One year later, things have changed so much. Just imagine how much more it would change in the year ahead.
I used to be a person who thrive on changes.
“Used to” is the key phrase!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Rare or well done?
It was the Reds first game in the group stages of 2005/2006 Champions League. The pundits over in S'pore predicted that they will lose this tricky away fixture. After all, the Reds haven't impressed at all in the EPL this year.
Anyways, I was up and watching in the early hours this morning. When I saw the first Liverpool player on the screen - it was Jamie Carragher - I was filled wif surprise! A pleasant one! It was more of wat he was wearing.
First, he was wearing this:-

Secondly, I noticed he was wearing the Captain's armband!!!!! Yeah, that meant that Gerrard wasn't playing (yes, yes, if you still dun know yet, me not a big fan of Stevie!!!!).
Then, looking at the players coming out, I was filled wif more surprises - I see Sinama-Pongolle and Sisoko in the starting line-up.
And would you believe it - in less than 2 minutes, I was shouting and screaming wif joy! Liverpool scored! The first goal to be scored this year. And my, wat an excellent goal it was. A long ball by Carragher was neatly brought under control wif a brilliant first touch by Sinama-Pongolle. Crouch was drawing away the defenders when Sinama-Pongolle glanced up, saw the keeper off his line and chipped the ball sublimely into the top right hand corner of the goal!!!!
By the time the quarter hour mark was reached, Liverpool was 2-0 up. Garcia scored!!!

Anyways, I was up and watching in the early hours this morning. When I saw the first Liverpool player on the screen - it was Jamie Carragher - I was filled wif surprise! A pleasant one! It was more of wat he was wearing.
First, he was wearing this:-

Liverpool's NEW Champions League jersey! Excellent isn't it?
Secondly, I noticed he was wearing the Captain's armband!!!!! Yeah, that meant that Gerrard wasn't playing (yes, yes, if you still dun know yet, me not a big fan of Stevie!!!!).
Then, looking at the players coming out, I was filled wif more surprises - I see Sinama-Pongolle and Sisoko in the starting line-up.
And would you believe it - in less than 2 minutes, I was shouting and screaming wif joy! Liverpool scored! The first goal to be scored this year. And my, wat an excellent goal it was. A long ball by Carragher was neatly brought under control wif a brilliant first touch by Sinama-Pongolle. Crouch was drawing away the defenders when Sinama-Pongolle glanced up, saw the keeper off his line and chipped the ball sublimely into the top right hand corner of the goal!!!!
By the time the quarter hour mark was reached, Liverpool was 2-0 up. Garcia scored!!!

You've really gotta hand it to Rafa. Sumhow he manages to get the best of the players in the European matches. Sisoko was simply excellent in midfield. It was a joy to see the flowing football (esp one move which involved neat passing among Luis Garcia, Crouch and Sinama-Pongolle - altho it ended up wif a shot wide, it was still a thing of beauty to watch!). For a team which could only manage to score 1 goal in the EPL this season, they doubled that in just 15 mins of this first European game!
And I finally could see Reina in action, making a few good saves thruout the game.
Sure, it was a nightmare in the 2nd half when changes were made to the team but they defended doggedly and escaped wif a win!
A great start.
It was indeed a rare display (in this season) of their strengths and potential. Well done, lads!
And I finally could see Reina in action, making a few good saves thruout the game.
Sure, it was a nightmare in the 2nd half when changes were made to the team but they defended doggedly and escaped wif a win!
A great start.
It was indeed a rare display (in this season) of their strengths and potential. Well done, lads!
Pics obtained from Liverpoolfctv and
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Today is Shona's birthday.
She would be 23 this year if she is still alive.
I miss you!
p/s - you see the cute redhead holding on to my arm? That's Hollie! Yeah, the Hollie! This Café is named after her. I'll blog about her one of these days.
She would be 23 this year if she is still alive.
I miss you!
p/s - you see the cute redhead holding on to my arm? That's Hollie! Yeah, the Hollie! This Café is named after her. I'll blog about her one of these days.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Glucose drink
Here's wat that can happen if your body suffers from lack of glucose:-
It was his first participation in a distance running competition and the 22-year-old man completed the run in his debut.
But the construction worker from Sungai Long showed a bizarre way of ‘celebrating’ his achievement — he punched a few runners and abused his fellow runners.
He rounded up his strange behaviour in a spectacular fashion — he headed for the Putrajaya Bridge and took a 20-metre dive into the Putrajaya Lake, leaving other participants gasping in horror.
The marine police and Putrajaya cruise personnel responded quickly and pulled him out of the lake.
His experience should be a lesson to other amateur participants at such races as his behaviour is believed to have been triggered by a lack of glucose in his system.
You can read the whole story here.
When i read the article, I immediately thought of me mate, the Jester, and had to forward it to her. You see, this weekend, a group of us (Jester and me included) are heading to Tasik Bera and Jester has been bugging me to jump into the lake again!!!
Yes, again! We did that way back in Ocotber last year. Here's the photographic evidence:-
But I must admit that jumping into the lake was one of the many highlights of the trip we made last year.
One of me mate was telling me how he thinks I've wasted my life in the past year or so. Well, I just dun agree (tho I'm sure many would not argue wif him!). Looking back, the jumping into the lake was just one of the many wonderful experiences I've had and I'm just so thankful to God for it! I'll prolly put out a list on Holly's Lists soon about the brilliant experiences I've had in this past year and a half.
Some of you must be thinking - "This guy is crazy!!!!" Well, it's not just the simple act of jumping into the lake. It's about living! Sure, many people are alive today but how many are actually living?
If things had went as planned, I would be now a Masters Degree holder in Law. Instead, I'm broke, "Master-less", preparing for an uncertain future - but so much richer having experienced life to the fullest (or quite close to it).
Oh, Jester? We'll jump into the lake this week-end, that's a promise! :-)
It was his first participation in a distance running competition and the 22-year-old man completed the run in his debut.
But the construction worker from Sungai Long showed a bizarre way of ‘celebrating’ his achievement — he punched a few runners and abused his fellow runners.
He rounded up his strange behaviour in a spectacular fashion — he headed for the Putrajaya Bridge and took a 20-metre dive into the Putrajaya Lake, leaving other participants gasping in horror.
The marine police and Putrajaya cruise personnel responded quickly and pulled him out of the lake.
His experience should be a lesson to other amateur participants at such races as his behaviour is believed to have been triggered by a lack of glucose in his system.
You can read the whole story here.
When i read the article, I immediately thought of me mate, the Jester, and had to forward it to her. You see, this weekend, a group of us (Jester and me included) are heading to Tasik Bera and Jester has been bugging me to jump into the lake again!!!
Yes, again! We did that way back in Ocotber last year. Here's the photographic evidence:-
But I must admit that jumping into the lake was one of the many highlights of the trip we made last year.
One of me mate was telling me how he thinks I've wasted my life in the past year or so. Well, I just dun agree (tho I'm sure many would not argue wif him!). Looking back, the jumping into the lake was just one of the many wonderful experiences I've had and I'm just so thankful to God for it! I'll prolly put out a list on Holly's Lists soon about the brilliant experiences I've had in this past year and a half.
Some of you must be thinking - "This guy is crazy!!!!" Well, it's not just the simple act of jumping into the lake. It's about living! Sure, many people are alive today but how many are actually living?
If things had went as planned, I would be now a Masters Degree holder in Law. Instead, I'm broke, "Master-less", preparing for an uncertain future - but so much richer having experienced life to the fullest (or quite close to it).
Oh, Jester? We'll jump into the lake this week-end, that's a promise! :-)
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Fast food!
Hey, I've started a new blog - Holly's Lists
What is the blog for? Here's an excerpt from the first post from that blog to explain:-
"Some mates have complained that my posts are too long to read. So it is prolly easier for them to just come here and look thru the lists which are not so taxing on them! (See how considerate I am!!!)..."
So this new blog contains mainly all the "Lists" I have composed in ALL my previous blogs as well as new lists (which I can't figure out a nice food-related title name to post here!!!).
What is the blog for? Here's an excerpt from the first post from that blog to explain:-
"Some mates have complained that my posts are too long to read. So it is prolly easier for them to just come here and look thru the lists which are not so taxing on them! (See how considerate I am!!!)..."
So this new blog contains mainly all the "Lists" I have composed in ALL my previous blogs as well as new lists (which I can't figure out a nice food-related title name to post here!!!).
Late nite special
It was late Friday nite when I decided to watch a movie - I put on "Royal Wedding".
For those of you who went "huh?", dun worry. I'm sure a lot will say the same thing. This movie is pretty ancient. But it doesn't matter to me cuz it starred Fred Astaire!!!
And Mr. Astaire was simply excellent in the movie!
For those who have not heard of him, well, it's your loss. Fred Astaire was one the best dancers in movie world, if not the best! He is so good that when his lady co-stars dance wif him, he make them look bad - even if they are not!!!
The movie brings back memories of way back when I was in my late teens. It was then that my interest in dancing was kindled. Unfortuantely, the interest remained just that - an interest and I have never pursued it save for watching Fred Astaire movies.
In the Royal Wedding, forget about acting or storyline. Watch Fred as he dances - wif his co-star Jane Powell and on his own!!! His solo dance in a gym (using a coat stand among other things) brought spontaneous applause from me! But the scene when he literally dances on the walls and ceiling left me totally open mouth amazed! This man can dance and he does it so effortlessly, so beautifully!
Is it too late for me to take up dancing???
For those of you who went "huh?", dun worry. I'm sure a lot will say the same thing. This movie is pretty ancient. But it doesn't matter to me cuz it starred Fred Astaire!!!
And Mr. Astaire was simply excellent in the movie!
For those who have not heard of him, well, it's your loss. Fred Astaire was one the best dancers in movie world, if not the best! He is so good that when his lady co-stars dance wif him, he make them look bad - even if they are not!!!
The movie brings back memories of way back when I was in my late teens. It was then that my interest in dancing was kindled. Unfortuantely, the interest remained just that - an interest and I have never pursued it save for watching Fred Astaire movies.
In the Royal Wedding, forget about acting or storyline. Watch Fred as he dances - wif his co-star Jane Powell and on his own!!! His solo dance in a gym (using a coat stand among other things) brought spontaneous applause from me! But the scene when he literally dances on the walls and ceiling left me totally open mouth amazed! This man can dance and he does it so effortlessly, so beautifully!
Is it too late for me to take up dancing???
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Meal time entertainment
I’ve posted before how reading the newspapers is one of my meal-time entertainment. However, reading the papers (and news) this morning almost made me lose my appetite!
This can’t be right!!!!
I read with interest last nite online about the British High Commissioner and a couple of other European Delegates staging a walk-out in protest over our former-can’t-keep-his-mouth-shut Prime Minister.

Imagine my shock when I read the local new this morning that the said former PM was speaking as one of the speakers at a conference on human rights organised by the Humans Rights Commission of Malaysia!!!!!! (See here)
What the…???
Mahathir speaking at a Human Rights conference?????
What next? Ask the Gloved One to speak at a conference to protect children from being sexually abused??? Or Charlotte Church to speak at a Alchoholic Annonymous Conference?
Swede and sour!
Yeah, more about the embarrassment suffered by the English football team lately.

The frustration by the English fans is understandable. There is no doubt that the England team consists of very talented players! But yet, they play so badly.
What I can’t fathom is that why can football pundits, former England greats and even normal everyday footie fans (like yours truly) see the problem as so crystal clear but yet a man who is paid millions of pounds just can’t?
So simple. The coach is playing these talented players out of their normal position!!!! Rooney who plays wonderfully for Man Utd week-in and out in his position just behind the lone striker was forced by the Swede to play in the left wing role! No wonder he was frustrated.
And midfield maestros like Gerrard and Lampard who basically hold their club team together were forced to play wide midfield positions!!!!! The only reason that one can think of is that the Swede just wants Beckham to play in Beckham’s favourite role – the central midfield.
It is no surprise then that only Beckham and Owen (who gets to play for England no matter wat shitty form he is in) is in support of the Swede!
The fall of the Russian Empire!!!!
Well, there will be no Russians in the US Open tennis Women’s finals this year (unlike last year where it was an all Russian final!). 2 of me fav players were knocked out of the semis.

The only consolation is that Kim Clisjters is in! Go Kim, go Kim!!!!
This can’t be right!!!!
I read with interest last nite online about the British High Commissioner and a couple of other European Delegates staging a walk-out in protest over our former-can’t-keep-his-mouth-shut Prime Minister.

Imagine my shock when I read the local new this morning that the said former PM was speaking as one of the speakers at a conference on human rights organised by the Humans Rights Commission of Malaysia!!!!!! (See here)
What the…???
Mahathir speaking at a Human Rights conference?????
What next? Ask the Gloved One to speak at a conference to protect children from being sexually abused??? Or Charlotte Church to speak at a Alchoholic Annonymous Conference?
Swede and sour!
Yeah, more about the embarrassment suffered by the English football team lately.

The frustration by the English fans is understandable. There is no doubt that the England team consists of very talented players! But yet, they play so badly.
What I can’t fathom is that why can football pundits, former England greats and even normal everyday footie fans (like yours truly) see the problem as so crystal clear but yet a man who is paid millions of pounds just can’t?
So simple. The coach is playing these talented players out of their normal position!!!! Rooney who plays wonderfully for Man Utd week-in and out in his position just behind the lone striker was forced by the Swede to play in the left wing role! No wonder he was frustrated.
And midfield maestros like Gerrard and Lampard who basically hold their club team together were forced to play wide midfield positions!!!!! The only reason that one can think of is that the Swede just wants Beckham to play in Beckham’s favourite role – the central midfield.
It is no surprise then that only Beckham and Owen (who gets to play for England no matter wat shitty form he is in) is in support of the Swede!
The fall of the Russian Empire!!!!
Well, there will be no Russians in the US Open tennis Women’s finals this year (unlike last year where it was an all Russian final!). 2 of me fav players were knocked out of the semis.

The only consolation is that Kim Clisjters is in! Go Kim, go Kim!!!!
All pics taken from BBC News Online
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Catch of the day!
I’ve been pretty evasive when ppl ask me of the date of my departure. Simple – I dread having to go up on stage in church and be prayed for!!!!
Sounds very unlike me? In a way – since I love being on stage. And of course I value the prayers of the church!
It’s just that so many of me mates have recently been called up front and embarrassed!!!!! OK – I know for certain that it is not the intention of the church leaders to do that – but somehow, it always turns out that way.
I guess I oso wanna avoid the situation when everyone – yes, I mean every single person – comes up to me after the service wanting to shake my hand! Yeah, even those who spend their free time gossiping bout me, those who think it is their life duty to say bad things about me to everyone else except me, those who hate my guts, and those who din even bother to pray for me let alone call me up to show concern when I dropped out of church for a while! I’d see those hypocritical smiles and looks of concern and warm wishes and if I do not reciprocate it, I’d be branded as arrogant, unappreciative, vindictive, horrible… hhmm… I’m oredi labelled as such!
I digress.
So I’ve been avoiding and weaselling my way out whenever I am asked when I’ll be leaving. (Weaselman strikes again!!!).
But not anymore. I received a phonecall this afternoon.
Me: Hello?
Caller: Mun Onn? This is Hoong Cheong here.
Me: Oh, hi Hoonch (a fulltime worker in my church) What does he want????
Hoonch: Mun Onn, when will you be leaving to do your studies?
Me: Oh no!!! He wants to know so that he can get the elders to pray for me. Looks like it’s a job for Weaselman! Uh… end of the month.
Hoonch: Oh. Is the Date confirmed yet?
Me: Maybe he just wants to take me out for lunch Err… no. I haven’t bought my ticket yet. But it’ll be end of the month, thereabouts. My term begins only early October.
Hoonch: Oh I see. But you will only be leaving late this month…
Me: Yeah, - by the month end or early next month. Give up, give up…
Hoonch: Anyway, the church would like to pray for you…
Me: NNnooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hoonch: …so can we do that on the 25th of September?
Me: Over my dead body!!! Why, sure! *laughs nervously*
Hoonch: You will be around on the 25th?
Me: Not if I can help it! Of course!
Sigh… yes, as sumone once put it, my “shame-fest” is now confirmed and scheduled on the 25th of September 2005.
The bright side to it is that some people from Penang won’t be able to come and witness it!!! :-)
I’ve been pretty evasive when ppl ask me of the date of my departure. Simple – I dread having to go up on stage in church and be prayed for!!!!
Sounds very unlike me? In a way – since I love being on stage. And of course I value the prayers of the church!
It’s just that so many of me mates have recently been called up front and embarrassed!!!!! OK – I know for certain that it is not the intention of the church leaders to do that – but somehow, it always turns out that way.
I guess I oso wanna avoid the situation when everyone – yes, I mean every single person – comes up to me after the service wanting to shake my hand! Yeah, even those who spend their free time gossiping bout me, those who think it is their life duty to say bad things about me to everyone else except me, those who hate my guts, and those who din even bother to pray for me let alone call me up to show concern when I dropped out of church for a while! I’d see those hypocritical smiles and looks of concern and warm wishes and if I do not reciprocate it, I’d be branded as arrogant, unappreciative, vindictive, horrible… hhmm… I’m oredi labelled as such!
I digress.
So I’ve been avoiding and weaselling my way out whenever I am asked when I’ll be leaving. (Weaselman strikes again!!!).
But not anymore. I received a phonecall this afternoon.
Me: Hello?
Caller: Mun Onn? This is Hoong Cheong here.
Me: Oh, hi Hoonch (a fulltime worker in my church) What does he want????
Hoonch: Mun Onn, when will you be leaving to do your studies?
Me: Oh no!!! He wants to know so that he can get the elders to pray for me. Looks like it’s a job for Weaselman! Uh… end of the month.
Hoonch: Oh. Is the Date confirmed yet?
Me: Maybe he just wants to take me out for lunch Err… no. I haven’t bought my ticket yet. But it’ll be end of the month, thereabouts. My term begins only early October.
Hoonch: Oh I see. But you will only be leaving late this month…
Me: Yeah, - by the month end or early next month. Give up, give up…
Hoonch: Anyway, the church would like to pray for you…
Me: NNnooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hoonch: …so can we do that on the 25th of September?
Me: Over my dead body!!! Why, sure! *laughs nervously*
Hoonch: You will be around on the 25th?
Me: Not if I can help it! Of course!
Sigh… yes, as sumone once put it, my “shame-fest” is now confirmed and scheduled on the 25th of September 2005.
The bright side to it is that some people from Penang won’t be able to come and witness it!!! :-)
Shaken and stirred
Got back home from a crazy road-trip (more like a food-trip!) in the early hours of this morning. Am still feeling slightly woozy! Have not shaken off the flu yet.
It was good trip – will blog bout it after I get the pics up.
However, sumthing happened during the trip which really shook me up. It was when we had to say goodbye to our mates studying in Penang at the Science University of Malaysia. Suddenly, it finally started to sink in. I’M LEAVING!!!!
Sure, I knew about it all the while – had more than a year to prepare myself for it. But when one is finally faced wif reality, no amount of mental preparation would suffice. As I said goodbye to them, I realised that it could very well be the last time that I would ever see them again, the last time I hear their voices and laughter.
Even if it’s not the last time, it’ll be quite a long, long while before I see them again.
I looked at the calendar today and counted slightly more than 3 weeks before I leave. I could still remember when it was 12 months!!!!
I’m oredi missing you guys!!! Yeah, especially the pink lady! Other than my fellow "Hall of Lame" members, WS & KC, no one else puts up wif my nonsense except you!!! :-(
POSTSCRIPT: Pics are finally posted. Go here to view them.
It was good trip – will blog bout it after I get the pics up.
However, sumthing happened during the trip which really shook me up. It was when we had to say goodbye to our mates studying in Penang at the Science University of Malaysia. Suddenly, it finally started to sink in. I’M LEAVING!!!!
Sure, I knew about it all the while – had more than a year to prepare myself for it. But when one is finally faced wif reality, no amount of mental preparation would suffice. As I said goodbye to them, I realised that it could very well be the last time that I would ever see them again, the last time I hear their voices and laughter.
Even if it’s not the last time, it’ll be quite a long, long while before I see them again.
I looked at the calendar today and counted slightly more than 3 weeks before I leave. I could still remember when it was 12 months!!!!
I’m oredi missing you guys!!! Yeah, especially the pink lady! Other than my fellow "Hall of Lame" members, WS & KC, no one else puts up wif my nonsense except you!!! :-(
POSTSCRIPT: Pics are finally posted. Go here to view them.
No booze served!
But we do serve Boos!!!!! Hugo Boos, to be exact! Tho you may not want to drink it...
It's sumthing which I bought at Sitiawan during me recent crazy road trip wif some mates:-
It's sumthing which I bought at Sitiawan during me recent crazy road trip wif some mates:-
Hot fudge
Fudge:- Nonsense (definition no. 2 in the Concise Oxford Dictionary)
Dun you just hate sore losers? Here’s a classic quote from a supposedly champion who was beaten fair and square during the US Open tennis:-
Uhm, well, I think I was playing decent, you know. And she started playing like really bad, and it totally threw me off. She started hitting, like, these really weird shots and short balls and, like, just weird stuff. Just like it threw my game off. Next thing I knew, I was playing as bad as she was, …
That has to be the stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard – I lost because my opponent played badly and that caused me to play badly too!!!!!
I won’t even bother to put her mug-shot on me blog but here is a pic of her opponent – and one of me fav women’s tennis player today (who unfortunately has to play against my current fav women’s player in the semi-finals):-
On the brighter side, I’m glad that the US Open has made the turn to be more interesting after the ho-hum first week! It was seriously bad wif boring games and irritating commentators:-
Oh, it’s back to deuce now. *Pause*. Actually, it’s not 'back to deuce'. It’s the first deuce of the game. So it’s just 'deuce'.
(After Ivo Karlovic smashes another ace against Agassi) This reminds me of a Linda Ronstandt song – “Blue Bayou”. The ball ‘blew by you’, Agassi!
But it’s picking up. I saw the tail end of the nail biting tie-braker of the 5th set between Agassi and Blake earlier! Excellent stuffs. And earlier, Davenport was beaten by Elena Dementieva – an interesting match between the arguably best server in women’s tennis against one who would seem to do better if she just threw the ball across the net!
Even Federer dropped a set!
This weekend will be an interesting tennis extravaganza!!!
Dun you just hate sore losers? Here’s a classic quote from a supposedly champion who was beaten fair and square during the US Open tennis:-
Uhm, well, I think I was playing decent, you know. And she started playing like really bad, and it totally threw me off. She started hitting, like, these really weird shots and short balls and, like, just weird stuff. Just like it threw my game off. Next thing I knew, I was playing as bad as she was, …
That has to be the stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard – I lost because my opponent played badly and that caused me to play badly too!!!!!
I won’t even bother to put her mug-shot on me blog but here is a pic of her opponent – and one of me fav women’s tennis player today (who unfortunately has to play against my current fav women’s player in the semi-finals):-
On the brighter side, I’m glad that the US Open has made the turn to be more interesting after the ho-hum first week! It was seriously bad wif boring games and irritating commentators:-
Oh, it’s back to deuce now. *Pause*. Actually, it’s not 'back to deuce'. It’s the first deuce of the game. So it’s just 'deuce'.
(After Ivo Karlovic smashes another ace against Agassi) This reminds me of a Linda Ronstandt song – “Blue Bayou”. The ball ‘blew by you’, Agassi!
But it’s picking up. I saw the tail end of the nail biting tie-braker of the 5th set between Agassi and Blake earlier! Excellent stuffs. And earlier, Davenport was beaten by Elena Dementieva – an interesting match between the arguably best server in women’s tennis against one who would seem to do better if she just threw the ball across the net!
Even Federer dropped a set!
This weekend will be an interesting tennis extravaganza!!!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
News flash!
Here’s proof that there are alien life forms out there! Yes, extra-terrestrial beings!!! Perhaps from mars!
How do I know? Well, they tried to make contact wif me today! Really! They left a sign on me car – no, not a crop circle but a stone henge-like message!!!

Anybody knows how to interpret this?
(Interpretation: It was a bunch of monkeys with nothing else better to do who left these stones on top of your car!)
Here’s proof that there are alien life forms out there! Yes, extra-terrestrial beings!!! Perhaps from mars!
How do I know? Well, they tried to make contact wif me today! Really! They left a sign on me car – no, not a crop circle but a stone henge-like message!!!

Anybody knows how to interpret this?
(Interpretation: It was a bunch of monkeys with nothing else better to do who left these stones on top of your car!)
Sunny side up

Pic obtained from
I was all stressed up. I was leading the first session and was under pressure to start off wif a blast! The practice session earlier today wasn’t that good. At the very last minute, I realised I forgot sumthing and had to rush to the church office to get it done.
It din help when I was told that they decided to bring the session earlier by 30 mins!!!!!
Finally, just a couple of minutes before I was due to come up, I sat at the front of the hall, trying to calm myself down, collect my thots and utter a short prayer.
A fren – who knew how stressed I was minutes ago – came to me and said “Oh, you are smiling! That’s a good sign!”
It was only until that point of time when I realised I had this silly grin on me face. I looked at him and gave him an even broader smile and went back to my thoughts.
I guess different people handle their stress differently. But I’m surprised to find out lately that a few of me mates deal wif it the same way I do – grin and laugh!!! Perhaps tt’s why I’m closer to them instead of the fren whom I quoted above – we understand each other better.
We can never know for sure but if you ever see sumone who is all lively and happy and loud and laughing away, remember that it could be simply a way for them to deal wif the pain and stress and hurt inside.
Does it mean that these people (me included) are hypocrites? No, I would like to think not. We are not putting on a show. We are just coping – in our own unique manner.
"Every clown must go home to his empty room"
Deborah Ann Gibson
Deborah Ann Gibson
Friday, September 02, 2005
For starters...
I'm doing this post on me laptop. Me desktop has got "issues"!!! Sigh.... dun know lah. It's been "hanging" like crazy today. Me thot perhaps it could be cuz me c-drive is running out of space. So I was transfering some pics from me c-drive to me d-drive when suddenly, it hung again!!!!
When I manage to get it restarted... yeah, you guessed it - the pics which I was transferring ALL WENT MISSING!!!!!! I tried but I can't find them. Gone? So sad. It was pics of me niece's b'day last month. Well, I did post them onto me other blogspot but the quality of the pics were reduced to placed them there! So sad...
KC!!!!! I need your help!!!
Anyways, guess wat I've been up to? First, I went to a couple of supermarkets and checked out the price of some food stuffs that i may bring over to UK. Then, when I got home, I started packing!! Yup, even tho it is almost a month away from the EDD, I've oredi started packing and listing down the stuffs I'm bringing. For tonite, I packed all me clothes oredi! So proud of meself - it was really difficult!!! I had to make some hard decisions - like deciding NOT to pack me Star Wars t-shirt!!!!
The main reason why I'm starting so early (if you know me, I normally pack the nite before or the morning itself whenever I go for a trip, be it a short trip or long!) is that I dun wan a repeat of wat happened more than 10 years ago. I did start early back then but I basically put all the stuffs aside until the last day. Even then, on the last day, I was still not in any hurry and had time to drive all the way to... er... sumwhere la... to see sumone for the last time and give her a farewell gift (ironic-eh? I was leaving and I had to give her a farewell gift!!!!!).
So the evening turned out to be extremely stressful. It was a headache tring to stuff everything into me bags and after I did, I found out that me luggage was grossly overweight!!!! So I had to repack again. I din bring a lot of stuffs.
The worse thing then was that I ended up in a terrible mood. My parents did their best and succeeded in NOT giving me the "I told you so" lecture - altho they had every rite to do so. I was mad at everyone. When it came to dinner time, I shouted that I can't eat cuz I still have not finished packing yet. My family left me alone as I din want their help too.
Wat was supposed to be a final family dinner turned out terribly wrong.
I was such a pain. :-(
Yet, my family put up wif my tantrums and by the time we all got into the car to go to the airport, things were getting better.
It was a horrible experience (no thanks to me being so horrible to me family - all becuz of my procrastination) and I made up my mind long ago that I will be all packed and ready at least week before my departure date this time. Or at the very least, be 95% packed and ready 1 week earlier.
I wan my last few hours at home to be meaningful and special I dun wanna think back to my last day here and have bad memories. I wan to be able to sit down together wif my family and enjoy our dinner, talking and laughing.
I hope it will turn out that way.
For a start, I think I did quite well today - dun you?
When I manage to get it restarted... yeah, you guessed it - the pics which I was transferring ALL WENT MISSING!!!!!! I tried but I can't find them. Gone? So sad. It was pics of me niece's b'day last month. Well, I did post them onto me other blogspot but the quality of the pics were reduced to placed them there! So sad...
KC!!!!! I need your help!!!
Anyways, guess wat I've been up to? First, I went to a couple of supermarkets and checked out the price of some food stuffs that i may bring over to UK. Then, when I got home, I started packing!! Yup, even tho it is almost a month away from the EDD, I've oredi started packing and listing down the stuffs I'm bringing. For tonite, I packed all me clothes oredi! So proud of meself - it was really difficult!!! I had to make some hard decisions - like deciding NOT to pack me Star Wars t-shirt!!!!
The main reason why I'm starting so early (if you know me, I normally pack the nite before or the morning itself whenever I go for a trip, be it a short trip or long!) is that I dun wan a repeat of wat happened more than 10 years ago. I did start early back then but I basically put all the stuffs aside until the last day. Even then, on the last day, I was still not in any hurry and had time to drive all the way to... er... sumwhere la... to see sumone for the last time and give her a farewell gift (ironic-eh? I was leaving and I had to give her a farewell gift!!!!!).
So the evening turned out to be extremely stressful. It was a headache tring to stuff everything into me bags and after I did, I found out that me luggage was grossly overweight!!!! So I had to repack again. I din bring a lot of stuffs.
The worse thing then was that I ended up in a terrible mood. My parents did their best and succeeded in NOT giving me the "I told you so" lecture - altho they had every rite to do so. I was mad at everyone. When it came to dinner time, I shouted that I can't eat cuz I still have not finished packing yet. My family left me alone as I din want their help too.
Wat was supposed to be a final family dinner turned out terribly wrong.
I was such a pain. :-(
Yet, my family put up wif my tantrums and by the time we all got into the car to go to the airport, things were getting better.
It was a horrible experience (no thanks to me being so horrible to me family - all becuz of my procrastination) and I made up my mind long ago that I will be all packed and ready at least week before my departure date this time. Or at the very least, be 95% packed and ready 1 week earlier.
I wan my last few hours at home to be meaningful and special I dun wanna think back to my last day here and have bad memories. I wan to be able to sit down together wif my family and enjoy our dinner, talking and laughing.
I hope it will turn out that way.
For a start, I think I did quite well today - dun you?
Latest meal time entertainment
This time round, I decided to grab 2 books at once. I seem to be finishing the books at a fast rate (for my standards) so this will save me an extra trip downtown!!!

I must say that the previous book – Digital Fortress – was very entertaining! To me, it was the best Dan Brown’s book I’ve read. The twists kept coming and wat was important was that the twists were believable and realistic, not forced.
However, the ending was a real let-down!!!! It was the “final” puzzle that the main characters had to solve – these characters are the best-est code-breakers in the world and the brightest minds on earth. Yet, it took them sooooooo long to understand the clue. Yes, a Malaysian lawyer who spends his time blogging can figure it out faster! (NSA people – you can call me at my mobile number for an interview – I’m sure you have my mobile number, rite?). And I guessed the final twist in the tale too! Sigh… dun you hate it when u r right all the time???? ;-P
Other than that, I would highly recommend that book. Good read.
I’ve started on Deception Point today. Hhhmmm… Dan Brown HAS gotta figure out a new way to start his novels.
Not another grissly death...

I must say that the previous book – Digital Fortress – was very entertaining! To me, it was the best Dan Brown’s book I’ve read. The twists kept coming and wat was important was that the twists were believable and realistic, not forced.
However, the ending was a real let-down!!!! It was the “final” puzzle that the main characters had to solve – these characters are the best-est code-breakers in the world and the brightest minds on earth. Yet, it took them sooooooo long to understand the clue. Yes, a Malaysian lawyer who spends his time blogging can figure it out faster! (NSA people – you can call me at my mobile number for an interview – I’m sure you have my mobile number, rite?). And I guessed the final twist in the tale too! Sigh… dun you hate it when u r right all the time???? ;-P
Other than that, I would highly recommend that book. Good read.
I’ve started on Deception Point today. Hhhmmm… Dan Brown HAS gotta figure out a new way to start his novels.
Not another grissly death...
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Visa preferred
I was surfing today and I decided to check online on the status of me visa application. I wasn’t expecting anything as I only submitted my application last Wednesday and yesterday was a public holiday. To my surprise, I was told to go and collect my passport!!!!
It din say anything else. Does it mean they have granted me a visa? Or does it mean they are just gonna tell “Sorry, mate. We dun think u have enuf money to go and study in the UK”!!!
I started making plans on wat to do if my application got rejected. Shall I take up the teaching offer at TAR College? Is it still open? Or how bout that law firm down town which asked me to join them? Maybe I can check wif me former partner and see if he is interested to take me back in…
Well, anyways, it was all an exercise in futility as I was granted the visa. Thank God.

I asked for a 2 year visa but they only gave me 1 year and 4 months. It expires end of January 2007 (same time as yours, KC!!!). So I’ll be there til then, I guess. Dun sound too excited, do I?
Sigh… in exactly one month time, I’ll be leaving on a jet plane. One month left. Time is gonna fly…
It din say anything else. Does it mean they have granted me a visa? Or does it mean they are just gonna tell “Sorry, mate. We dun think u have enuf money to go and study in the UK”!!!
I started making plans on wat to do if my application got rejected. Shall I take up the teaching offer at TAR College? Is it still open? Or how bout that law firm down town which asked me to join them? Maybe I can check wif me former partner and see if he is interested to take me back in…
Well, anyways, it was all an exercise in futility as I was granted the visa. Thank God.

I asked for a 2 year visa but they only gave me 1 year and 4 months. It expires end of January 2007 (same time as yours, KC!!!). So I’ll be there til then, I guess. Dun sound too excited, do I?
Sigh… in exactly one month time, I’ll be leaving on a jet plane. One month left. Time is gonna fly…
Birthday treat!
This is my nephew in one of his less flattering poses (his mom doesn't know I'm posting this onto me blog!!!):-

Yes, he is mischievious! And he never fails to bring a smile to our faces! He's sneaky too - prolly following in his uncle's footsteps!!!!
Today, if you had gone to his school, you would have noticed that ALL THE KIDS were treating him like a King! he got his way all the time and everyone was nice to him. In fact, every wish of his was a command to the rest - who followed willingly!
You know how he got them to be like that? He told them that tomorrow is his birthday!!!!! So naturally, everyone was being especially nice to him wif a hope that they'll share in his goodies which he'll bring to school tomorrow.
The problem is that his birthday is on the 20th of September!!!!
Wonder what is gonna happen 2moro...

Yes, he is mischievious! And he never fails to bring a smile to our faces! He's sneaky too - prolly following in his uncle's footsteps!!!!
Today, if you had gone to his school, you would have noticed that ALL THE KIDS were treating him like a King! he got his way all the time and everyone was nice to him. In fact, every wish of his was a command to the rest - who followed willingly!
You know how he got them to be like that? He told them that tomorrow is his birthday!!!!! So naturally, everyone was being especially nice to him wif a hope that they'll share in his goodies which he'll bring to school tomorrow.
The problem is that his birthday is on the 20th of September!!!!
Wonder what is gonna happen 2moro...
Cup or water?
I received the following from a mate recently. Thought provoking? Read it!
A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer.
The Lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
The Lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some in plastic, some in glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite.
The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves.
When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the Lecturer spoke: "If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups."
"Just like in life, if Life is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold/maintain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change."
"If we only concentrate on the cup, we won't have time to enjoy the water in it."
A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer.
The Lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
The Lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some in plastic, some in glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite.
The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves.
When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the Lecturer spoke: "If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups."
"Just like in life, if Life is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold/maintain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change."
"If we only concentrate on the cup, we won't have time to enjoy the water in it."
Home cooked meal
I have a confession to make. Today (I’m typing this at 11:59 pm), my country celebrates her 48th year of independence. It doesn’t stir up much emotion in me.
I’m not a very patriotic guy. Truth be told, I dun like my country very much! I grew up seeing certain race gets better and preferential treatment, I see corruption and cronyism, I have no faith in our police force who only seem to be interested in intimidating the public and getting bribes (at least those that I have encountered – I must say that one rotten apple does not make the whole basket bad), I see my fellow Malaysians with no civic-consciousness, I do not think it is safe for anyone to be out alone at night (except perhaps in Sarawak), I see rubbish everywhere, the public toilets are a nightmare, commuters pushing and shoving their way into trains, rude drivers on the road, justice being bought in the Courts of Law, people persecuted because of their religious beliefs …
I can go on and on wif the list.
Still, no matter wat happens, I am still a Malaysian. God made me one for a purpose. And I’m thankful for this country, for the wonderful frens that I have, for the delicious food all around, for the beautiful nature, for the peace and stability we enjoy (as compared wif some other worse-off countries. Of course things could be better. Things always can be better…).

I’m not a very patriotic guy. Truth be told, I dun like my country very much! I grew up seeing certain race gets better and preferential treatment, I see corruption and cronyism, I have no faith in our police force who only seem to be interested in intimidating the public and getting bribes (at least those that I have encountered – I must say that one rotten apple does not make the whole basket bad), I see my fellow Malaysians with no civic-consciousness, I do not think it is safe for anyone to be out alone at night (except perhaps in Sarawak), I see rubbish everywhere, the public toilets are a nightmare, commuters pushing and shoving their way into trains, rude drivers on the road, justice being bought in the Courts of Law, people persecuted because of their religious beliefs …
I can go on and on wif the list.
Still, no matter wat happens, I am still a Malaysian. God made me one for a purpose. And I’m thankful for this country, for the wonderful frens that I have, for the delicious food all around, for the beautiful nature, for the peace and stability we enjoy (as compared wif some other worse-off countries. Of course things could be better. Things always can be better…).

Pic obtained in true M'sian style - without permission and not bothering about it!
This is Malaysia. And for now, this is my home. And home is where the heart is, isn't it?Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Romans 13v1
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior...
1 Timothy 2v1-3
Romans 13v1
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior...
1 Timothy 2v1-3