Friday, September 02, 2005
Latest meal time entertainment
This time round, I decided to grab 2 books at once. I seem to be finishing the books at a fast rate (for my standards) so this will save me an extra trip downtown!!!

I must say that the previous book – Digital Fortress – was very entertaining! To me, it was the best Dan Brown’s book I’ve read. The twists kept coming and wat was important was that the twists were believable and realistic, not forced.
However, the ending was a real let-down!!!! It was the “final” puzzle that the main characters had to solve – these characters are the best-est code-breakers in the world and the brightest minds on earth. Yet, it took them sooooooo long to understand the clue. Yes, a Malaysian lawyer who spends his time blogging can figure it out faster! (NSA people – you can call me at my mobile number for an interview – I’m sure you have my mobile number, rite?). And I guessed the final twist in the tale too! Sigh… dun you hate it when u r right all the time???? ;-P
Other than that, I would highly recommend that book. Good read.
I’ve started on Deception Point today. Hhhmmm… Dan Brown HAS gotta figure out a new way to start his novels.
Not another grissly death...

I must say that the previous book – Digital Fortress – was very entertaining! To me, it was the best Dan Brown’s book I’ve read. The twists kept coming and wat was important was that the twists were believable and realistic, not forced.
However, the ending was a real let-down!!!! It was the “final” puzzle that the main characters had to solve – these characters are the best-est code-breakers in the world and the brightest minds on earth. Yet, it took them sooooooo long to understand the clue. Yes, a Malaysian lawyer who spends his time blogging can figure it out faster! (NSA people – you can call me at my mobile number for an interview – I’m sure you have my mobile number, rite?). And I guessed the final twist in the tale too! Sigh… dun you hate it when u r right all the time???? ;-P
Other than that, I would highly recommend that book. Good read.
I’ve started on Deception Point today. Hhhmmm… Dan Brown HAS gotta figure out a new way to start his novels.
Not another grissly death...
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ooh, u've been cought by the Dan Brown bug...
my bro had that bug too
and passed it on to me
Read it edi, wanna know what happens?
He dies.
my bro had that bug too
and passed it on to me
Read it edi, wanna know what happens?
He dies.
who dies? your bro or dan brown???
can't be the former since he's still around. haven't heard much bout the latter.
to be honest, as i was chatting wif me mate the other day, the only reason we read dan brown is cuz we can't find anyone else who writes these kind of stories - not so much that we find the books brilliant.
they're good, but no awards...
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can't be the former since he's still around. haven't heard much bout the latter.
to be honest, as i was chatting wif me mate the other day, the only reason we read dan brown is cuz we can't find anyone else who writes these kind of stories - not so much that we find the books brilliant.
they're good, but no awards...
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