Sunday, September 04, 2005
News flash!
Here’s proof that there are alien life forms out there! Yes, extra-terrestrial beings!!! Perhaps from mars!
How do I know? Well, they tried to make contact wif me today! Really! They left a sign on me car – no, not a crop circle but a stone henge-like message!!!

Anybody knows how to interpret this?
(Interpretation: It was a bunch of monkeys with nothing else better to do who left these stones on top of your car!)
Here’s proof that there are alien life forms out there! Yes, extra-terrestrial beings!!! Perhaps from mars!
How do I know? Well, they tried to make contact wif me today! Really! They left a sign on me car – no, not a crop circle but a stone henge-like message!!!

Anybody knows how to interpret this?
(Interpretation: It was a bunch of monkeys with nothing else better to do who left these stones on top of your car!)
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oh my goodness
i read about that in a magazine just the other day...!
its the latest news of ET sightings, well, not actually the ET's themselves, but they've been trying to make contact. And the pic in the magazine was almost exactly like that on your car...
Are you for real Obi Mun ? Cause if its real, you should send the pic to see what they say.
So jealous, how come you get cool things happening to your car...
i read about that in a magazine just the other day...!
its the latest news of ET sightings, well, not actually the ET's themselves, but they've been trying to make contact. And the pic in the magazine was almost exactly like that on your car...
Are you for real Obi Mun ? Cause if its real, you should send the pic to see what they say.
So jealous, how come you get cool things happening to your car...
hahaha! well, thank God there were no scratches on me car! cuz i'm planning to sell it by this month!
anyone want to buy?
anyone want to buy?
oh, oh! latest update! it is no alien/ET thingy. i finally got sum clue as to who was responsible for the stones!!!!!
apparently, it was left by sumone who is gorgeous, sexy, smart, witty and bright! or that person was at the very least involved in it!
will investigate further!
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apparently, it was left by sumone who is gorgeous, sexy, smart, witty and bright! or that person was at the very least involved in it!
will investigate further!
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