Monday, July 18, 2005
I'll be away backpacking for about 3 weeks at East Malaysia. Do pray for me! I shud be back on the 5th of August. If you dun hear from me shortly after that, send in the rescue parties!!!!
I'll prolly drop by an internet cafe whenever I can and maybe post a short update!
God bless!
I'll prolly drop by an internet cafe whenever I can and maybe post a short update!
God bless!
Sunday, July 17, 2005
You can place your orders now
Pre-orders can be made for Liverpool FC's new away jersey for 2005-2006 season now (go to

There's even a ladies jersey (on the right) for her majesty, the queen!!!! (Queen Shelby, that is!)
p/s - Liverpool beat Bayer Leverkusen 3-0 in a friendly match last nite (this morning Malaysian time)

There's even a ladies jersey (on the right) for her majesty, the queen!!!! (Queen Shelby, that is!)
p/s - Liverpool beat Bayer Leverkusen 3-0 in a friendly match last nite (this morning Malaysian time)
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Yeah, I'm on a roll today - gotta do all me blogging as I may not have the chance to do so for the next 3 weeks!!!
I always like the illustration of a swan - or in this case, a duck (can't find any pics of swans now). As you see them glide over the glassy surface of teh water, they look so graceful, and move almost effortlessly. This is far from the truth. If we look underwater, they are kicking like crazy to saty afloat and to move forward.
I had lunch the other day wif a full-time worker. A FTW is wat we call a person who has a full time job serving the church. These people are usually professionals and/or trained individuals who ahve given up their secular jobs to work in the church - some as pastors, some as administrators etc.
Oh, they are usually paid pretty badly. Perhaps the leaders think that the FTW will have more rewards in heaven??
So usually, we think of them as "super Christians"!
In actual fact, they are very much like any other Christians. But we see them like ducks, so graceful, so relaxed, not realising that underneath, they go thru the same struggles - or perhaps even more - as we non-FTW christians do.
He shared his problems, his struggles, how he sumtimes feel that if he is doing his previous secular job, he would be eaarning so much more, his financial problems etc.
Yet, he remains faithful to his calling.
Let us never forget the FTWs in our midst and continue to pray and uphold them in any ways that we can.
I always like the illustration of a swan - or in this case, a duck (can't find any pics of swans now). As you see them glide over the glassy surface of teh water, they look so graceful, and move almost effortlessly. This is far from the truth. If we look underwater, they are kicking like crazy to saty afloat and to move forward.
I had lunch the other day wif a full-time worker. A FTW is wat we call a person who has a full time job serving the church. These people are usually professionals and/or trained individuals who ahve given up their secular jobs to work in the church - some as pastors, some as administrators etc.
Oh, they are usually paid pretty badly. Perhaps the leaders think that the FTW will have more rewards in heaven??
So usually, we think of them as "super Christians"!
In actual fact, they are very much like any other Christians. But we see them like ducks, so graceful, so relaxed, not realising that underneath, they go thru the same struggles - or perhaps even more - as we non-FTW christians do.
He shared his problems, his struggles, how he sumtimes feel that if he is doing his previous secular job, he would be eaarning so much more, his financial problems etc.
Yet, he remains faithful to his calling.
Let us never forget the FTWs in our midst and continue to pray and uphold them in any ways that we can.
60 cents for char siew farn*
*barbequed pork rice
It was getting late and the people were saying their goodbyes and making their way to the door. Me? I was still busy enjoying the durians (thorny local fruit) provided by our host!
It was the end of another home fellowship. Soon, everyone was leaving but the host and his wife asked me to stay on and help finish the durians!!! I din have to be told twice!!!
Honestly, it was not just the fruit. I enjoyed being with the host and his family. I’m close to his son and I get along well wif his wife and 2 daughters. On top of that, it has been a while since I caught up wif them.
I sat wif him and we started chatting while his wife and his youngest girl cleared up – and occasionally chipping in a comment or two! In the end, I stayed there til close to 2 am!!!!
The host started sharing his past wif me! It was almost like a father-son conversation!! He talked of how he started to work, how he had struggled – his first salary was 65 dollars a month!!! He had to pay his aunt 30 dollars as rental leaving him only 35 dollars to live on for the rest of the month!!!! Sure, he started working the year I was born – but 35 bucks a month back then still is very little!!! He would spend 60 cents for char siew farn instead of 70 cents for the roast duck rice!!!
He shared about his sacrifices and his struggles. He even talked of his first love!!! At one point of time, his wife chipped in sayin that she has never known about certain things tat he was sharing wif me!!!
I felt really awful listening to him – as I recounted how fortunate I am to have parents pay for me good education and to be able to earn so much and how I have been so irresponsible wif me money, living life to the “fullest”, spending so unnecessarily! I told him that he shud have told me all that 10 years ago!! He said that it’s still not too late!!!
At the end of the day, he wanted to encourage me to stay on in this country!!! In his sharing, he told me of numerous occasions and opportunities he had to leave the country but in the end, he remained. He was basically encouraging me that no matter how “bad” things are here, it’s still home! And he personally din wanna see me leave for good! Of course, the decision will be left to me.
I was very touched by the whole incident – him taking the time to chat wif me, to share of his past – even intimate and private things, his struggles, the decisions he had to make etc. And although I was super exhausted that nite, I din mind staying on and listen to him share.
Truly, it is wonderful to be in God’s family, in the household of faith. I have gained so many brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers in Christ. I am truly so blessed.
It was getting late and the people were saying their goodbyes and making their way to the door. Me? I was still busy enjoying the durians (thorny local fruit) provided by our host!
It was the end of another home fellowship. Soon, everyone was leaving but the host and his wife asked me to stay on and help finish the durians!!! I din have to be told twice!!!
Honestly, it was not just the fruit. I enjoyed being with the host and his family. I’m close to his son and I get along well wif his wife and 2 daughters. On top of that, it has been a while since I caught up wif them.
I sat wif him and we started chatting while his wife and his youngest girl cleared up – and occasionally chipping in a comment or two! In the end, I stayed there til close to 2 am!!!!
The host started sharing his past wif me! It was almost like a father-son conversation!! He talked of how he started to work, how he had struggled – his first salary was 65 dollars a month!!! He had to pay his aunt 30 dollars as rental leaving him only 35 dollars to live on for the rest of the month!!!! Sure, he started working the year I was born – but 35 bucks a month back then still is very little!!! He would spend 60 cents for char siew farn instead of 70 cents for the roast duck rice!!!
He shared about his sacrifices and his struggles. He even talked of his first love!!! At one point of time, his wife chipped in sayin that she has never known about certain things tat he was sharing wif me!!!
I felt really awful listening to him – as I recounted how fortunate I am to have parents pay for me good education and to be able to earn so much and how I have been so irresponsible wif me money, living life to the “fullest”, spending so unnecessarily! I told him that he shud have told me all that 10 years ago!! He said that it’s still not too late!!!
At the end of the day, he wanted to encourage me to stay on in this country!!! In his sharing, he told me of numerous occasions and opportunities he had to leave the country but in the end, he remained. He was basically encouraging me that no matter how “bad” things are here, it’s still home! And he personally din wanna see me leave for good! Of course, the decision will be left to me.
I was very touched by the whole incident – him taking the time to chat wif me, to share of his past – even intimate and private things, his struggles, the decisions he had to make etc. And although I was super exhausted that nite, I din mind staying on and listen to him share.
Truly, it is wonderful to be in God’s family, in the household of faith. I have gained so many brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers in Christ. I am truly so blessed.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
The only thing the 2 movies I watched on Wednesday (RM6 a movie!!!) had in common was peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Tom Cruise offered to make his children that for dinner – and ended up with a slice of bread stuck to the window, being held up wif peanut butter!!!
Morgan Freeman offered Jet Li the same after he got up from his sleep.
I watched “The War of the Worlds” and “Unleashed”.
Prolly the other common thing bout the 2 movies was that despite not expecting much from either, I ended up enjoying both!
I never really liked Jet Li’s English movies. I never thought he was a good actor too. I enjoyed watching his Chinese movies which showcased his kung fu skills.
Still I enjoyed this movie. The fight scenes were almost pushed to the background. It was not too bad and thankfully, they din use much wire-work this time. Wat really worked for me was Morgan Freeman! He was excellent! I’ve always liked him ever since I watched Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (yeah, the one where Robin spoke in an awful American accent!!!) where I thought he stole the show as being a muslim member of Robin’s merry men!

He played a blind man who helped Jet’s character rediscover his humanity again. The girl who played Morgan’s step daughter did a good job too! She is Irish girl Kerry Condon whose mischievous smile can win over any heart!

Oh, Bob Hoskins was simply excellent as the cruel “owner”!!!! Brilliant!

Jet? It can’t be too difficult playing a role that requires u to act like an idiot, rite? His fight scenes were good tho.
The movie was set in Glasgow but everyone was speaking in a cockney accent!!! The way music was tied into the story was nice.
I understand that a lot of the younger people din really like this movie. Quite a number of people were oso turned off by the ending.
Hello? You mean you have not read the story before???? Even if you did not read it before, surely you would have heard about it???
I din expect much – after all, it was a Tom Cruise movie – so that means, lots of close-up of Tom, Tom standing in a nice pose, Tom sitting in a nice pose, wind blowing on Tom’s hair (but NOT messing it up)… you get the picture?
But it was great!
Tom wasn’t too bad himself – although I did think he looks a bit too young for the role. Perhaps Viggo Mortenson? Harrison Ford?
Dakota Fanning was excellent, as expected. Not as good as she was in “Man on Fire” but still, she was good!

Tim Robbin’s appearance was a nice surprise and he was excellent, as usual!

But at the end of the day, it’s the director! I must take my hat off to Steven Spielberg – and ask for forgiveness for losing faith in him (wat’s his obsession wif Tom Cruise anyway???). This movie reminds me of why I used to think he’s the best director of all time. This movie brings back the magic I saw in Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, Empire of the Sun, Raiders of the Lost Ark (and its sequels) and Jaws!
Some of the scenes just left me wif my mouth opened! Others had me gripping the handle of me seats.

The “thunderstorm” scene was really good.
The first scene when the tripods appear was SUPER!!!! – and left me wif me mouth opened! The tar on the road cracking up. The buildings braking apart, the church building falling apart, the tripods finally emerging, and then zapping everyone in sight!
When Tom cruise emerges from his ex-wife’s basement, I expected everything on ground level to be destroyed. But nothing prepared me for the sight of the jet engine and then the whole fuselage of the 747 crashed outside the house!!!! The scene left me wif me mouth wide, wide opened!
The scenes in Tim Robbin’s basement was a real nerve-wrecker – far much better than the basement scenes in Signs (which I tot and still think is really good!). Now this is wat a horror movie shud be!
Finally the close-up scenes catching the emotions – typically Spielberg-fashioned!
Truly, a great visual fest! Spielberg back at his best!
I know I’m in the minority but this is highly recommended!
p/s - oh, another common denominator of both movies (truly trivial trivia) is that Morgan Freeman is in both! He was the narrator for The War of the Worlds!
p/p/s - all pics obtained from
p/p/p/s - oh, oh, oh how could I forget!!! The added bonus I got watching The War of the Worlds was that I caught the trailer for King Kong!!! Awesome!!!!
Tom Cruise offered to make his children that for dinner – and ended up with a slice of bread stuck to the window, being held up wif peanut butter!!!
Morgan Freeman offered Jet Li the same after he got up from his sleep.
I watched “The War of the Worlds” and “Unleashed”.
Prolly the other common thing bout the 2 movies was that despite not expecting much from either, I ended up enjoying both!
I never really liked Jet Li’s English movies. I never thought he was a good actor too. I enjoyed watching his Chinese movies which showcased his kung fu skills.
Still I enjoyed this movie. The fight scenes were almost pushed to the background. It was not too bad and thankfully, they din use much wire-work this time. Wat really worked for me was Morgan Freeman! He was excellent! I’ve always liked him ever since I watched Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (yeah, the one where Robin spoke in an awful American accent!!!) where I thought he stole the show as being a muslim member of Robin’s merry men!

He played a blind man who helped Jet’s character rediscover his humanity again. The girl who played Morgan’s step daughter did a good job too! She is Irish girl Kerry Condon whose mischievous smile can win over any heart!

Oh, Bob Hoskins was simply excellent as the cruel “owner”!!!! Brilliant!

Jet? It can’t be too difficult playing a role that requires u to act like an idiot, rite? His fight scenes were good tho.
The movie was set in Glasgow but everyone was speaking in a cockney accent!!! The way music was tied into the story was nice.
The War of the Worlds
I understand that a lot of the younger people din really like this movie. Quite a number of people were oso turned off by the ending.
Hello? You mean you have not read the story before???? Even if you did not read it before, surely you would have heard about it???
I din expect much – after all, it was a Tom Cruise movie – so that means, lots of close-up of Tom, Tom standing in a nice pose, Tom sitting in a nice pose, wind blowing on Tom’s hair (but NOT messing it up)… you get the picture?
But it was great!
Tom wasn’t too bad himself – although I did think he looks a bit too young for the role. Perhaps Viggo Mortenson? Harrison Ford?
Dakota Fanning was excellent, as expected. Not as good as she was in “Man on Fire” but still, she was good!

My little tribute to Dakota Fanning
Tim Robbin’s appearance was a nice surprise and he was excellent, as usual!

But at the end of the day, it’s the director! I must take my hat off to Steven Spielberg – and ask for forgiveness for losing faith in him (wat’s his obsession wif Tom Cruise anyway???). This movie reminds me of why I used to think he’s the best director of all time. This movie brings back the magic I saw in Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, Empire of the Sun, Raiders of the Lost Ark (and its sequels) and Jaws!
Some of the scenes just left me wif my mouth opened! Others had me gripping the handle of me seats.

Spielberg trademark - shadows
--------------------Spoilers ahead--------------------
(highlight the following portion to read)
The “thunderstorm” scene was really good.
The first scene when the tripods appear was SUPER!!!! – and left me wif me mouth opened! The tar on the road cracking up. The buildings braking apart, the church building falling apart, the tripods finally emerging, and then zapping everyone in sight!
When Tom cruise emerges from his ex-wife’s basement, I expected everything on ground level to be destroyed. But nothing prepared me for the sight of the jet engine and then the whole fuselage of the 747 crashed outside the house!!!! The scene left me wif me mouth wide, wide opened!
The scenes in Tim Robbin’s basement was a real nerve-wrecker – far much better than the basement scenes in Signs (which I tot and still think is really good!). Now this is wat a horror movie shud be!
Finally the close-up scenes catching the emotions – typically Spielberg-fashioned!
Truly, a great visual fest! Spielberg back at his best!
I know I’m in the minority but this is highly recommended!
p/s - oh, another common denominator of both movies (truly trivial trivia) is that Morgan Freeman is in both! He was the narrator for The War of the Worlds!
p/p/s - all pics obtained from
p/p/p/s - oh, oh, oh how could I forget!!! The added bonus I got watching The War of the Worlds was that I caught the trailer for King Kong!!! Awesome!!!!
What a boar!
We normally get served wif wild boar meat cooked in soy sauce whenever we go into the rural villages.
There is also this place in PJ that serves an excellent chilly wild boar! Yum!
But I’ve never really encountered a real live wild boar – until last week when I was at the National Park (“Taman Negara”)!
Finally, I went to the National Park. It was one of the places I’ve always wanted to go but never went. I remember back when I was in Secondary 3 (15 years old), we were planning to go there after our final exams – only to discover that the park closes after our exams due to the monsoon season!!!
Now, almost 20 years on, I’ve fulfilled that desire!
Check out the pics at the following posts:-
Taman Negara – day #1
Taman Negara – day #2
Taman Negara – day #3
I went there wif another mate a couple of weeks ago. Here are sum thots on me trip:-
1. Everything has a price!
We could only spend 3 days and 2 nites there as me mate could not afford the time to stay there longer. It turned out to be a good thing tho cuz we realised that a lot of things cannot be done there without paying a fee!!! Yes, even nature has a price now.
2. I’m getting old!!!!
I used to laugh at a mate of mine when he tried to climb the quartz ridge at Ampang (a series of peaks just outside the capital). After the first peak, he felt like he was gonna die and had to turn back.
Well, the same happened to me at Taman Negara!!! We tried to go up this hill. Half way thru, I realised my heart was beating rapidly! I was short of breath and had to stop. Even then, my heart did not slow down in its pace. In fact, I could even see my heart thumping against me chest!!!! I thot I was gonna have a cardiac arrest!!!
After 15 mins, when me heart beat still din slow down, I threw the towel. I gave up. I can’t make it. Me mate was nice enuf (more bout this later – he’s SUPER NICE!!!!) and din push me at all.
Perhaps it was the long drive the nite b4 plus the lack of sleep plus the 3 hour boat ride plus the heavy lunch and the blazing afternoon sun that killed me off.
Still, whatever it was, I have to admit I’m getting old. Sigh…
All in all, a great time. A fun trip. A good experience.
There is also this place in PJ that serves an excellent chilly wild boar! Yum!
But I’ve never really encountered a real live wild boar – until last week when I was at the National Park (“Taman Negara”)!
Finally, I went to the National Park. It was one of the places I’ve always wanted to go but never went. I remember back when I was in Secondary 3 (15 years old), we were planning to go there after our final exams – only to discover that the park closes after our exams due to the monsoon season!!!
Now, almost 20 years on, I’ve fulfilled that desire!
Check out the pics at the following posts:-
Taman Negara – day #1
Taman Negara – day #2
Taman Negara – day #3
I went there wif another mate a couple of weeks ago. Here are sum thots on me trip:-
1. Everything has a price!
We could only spend 3 days and 2 nites there as me mate could not afford the time to stay there longer. It turned out to be a good thing tho cuz we realised that a lot of things cannot be done there without paying a fee!!! Yes, even nature has a price now.
2. I’m getting old!!!!
I used to laugh at a mate of mine when he tried to climb the quartz ridge at Ampang (a series of peaks just outside the capital). After the first peak, he felt like he was gonna die and had to turn back.
Well, the same happened to me at Taman Negara!!! We tried to go up this hill. Half way thru, I realised my heart was beating rapidly! I was short of breath and had to stop. Even then, my heart did not slow down in its pace. In fact, I could even see my heart thumping against me chest!!!! I thot I was gonna have a cardiac arrest!!!
After 15 mins, when me heart beat still din slow down, I threw the towel. I gave up. I can’t make it. Me mate was nice enuf (more bout this later – he’s SUPER NICE!!!!) and din push me at all.
Perhaps it was the long drive the nite b4 plus the lack of sleep plus the 3 hour boat ride plus the heavy lunch and the blazing afternoon sun that killed me off.
Still, whatever it was, I have to admit I’m getting old. Sigh…
All in all, a great time. A fun trip. A good experience.
NEW meal time entertainment!
Yes, no more frustrating stories about imcompetent leaders putting their feet into their mouths! I got a new meal-time reading material!!!!

Ok, ok - after the super disappointment wif the last book (Order of the Pheonix), me not getting me hopes up on this. And that means I'll prolly enjoy it more!!!
Got it from MPH this morning. Quite cool - it came in this bag:-

And there were some goodies in it too:-

OK - time for me brunch. Hopefully, I won't stain the book.... ;-P

Ok, ok - after the super disappointment wif the last book (Order of the Pheonix), me not getting me hopes up on this. And that means I'll prolly enjoy it more!!!
Got it from MPH this morning. Quite cool - it came in this bag:-

And there were some goodies in it too:-

2 Narnia bookmarks, 1 can of vanilla coke, 1 pack of KitKat Bites, 1 ruler and 1 pencil!
OK - time for me brunch. Hopefully, I won't stain the book.... ;-P
Friday, July 15, 2005
Second helpings?
Well, the Bar Council's appeal to the Court of Appeal has been unanimously dismissed by the Court of Appeal.
Read about it here.
For some context, I have previously blogged about it (and was criticised, too! see comment)in my older blogspot here when the Bar Council lost at the High Court stage. That post links to a detailed outline of (IMHO) the salient points.
The decision comes to no surprise to those who use their brain and look at the law - as compared with those who look at the law with their emotions.
It is embarrassing that the governing body of the lawyers in Peninsular Malaysia has been proven again to be unable to understand the law!!!!
Guess wat? They may be appealing to the Federal Court!!!! Sigh...
Read about it here.
For some context, I have previously blogged about it (and was criticised, too! see comment)in my older blogspot here when the Bar Council lost at the High Court stage. That post links to a detailed outline of (IMHO) the salient points.
The decision comes to no surprise to those who use their brain and look at the law - as compared with those who look at the law with their emotions.
It is embarrassing that the governing body of the lawyers in Peninsular Malaysia has been proven again to be unable to understand the law!!!!
Guess wat? They may be appealing to the Federal Court!!!! Sigh...
Put it on my tab
This was sumthing which I read a couple of days ago.
Again, it was at the Parliament.
The Opposition Leader, Mr. Lim raised an issue regarding a former Chief Minister of the state of Sabah at East Malaysia.
Basically, the gist of his point is summarised as such:-
"He could accumulate such astronomical wealth as to gamble RM158.7 million, lose RM31.6 million and run up RM7.1 million debts in a London casino a year after political retirement, apart from bigger gambling debts in other casinos in London."
However, Lim's application to debate the issue was - not surprisingly - rejected on grounds that " was not urgent and not of public interest."!!!!!!!!
Wat crap!!!!
How can it not be of public interest???? How could a minister accumulate so much wealth in the generally poor state of Sabah??? It no doubt smacks of the irressistable conclusion that there is a strong possibility of improper use of power (yes, yes, I'm using big words here to prevent meself from being locked up for sedition or sued for defamation).
Lim said it was of great public interest to ascertain how the national integrity system had failed to prevent corruption and abuses of power as evident in this case.
You can read the entire article here.
An investigation must be launched! After all the talk of weeding our corruption, surely our beloved PM cannot just sit back and do nothing (except publicly reprimand the said former CM).
Me mates at Sabah always complain about the corruption that happens there. Unfortunately, wif this kind of attitude by our ruling government, it's gonna be a long, long road to recovery (if ever we do recover!).
Is it any wonder that in a survey done by the Malaysian Integrity Institute, teenagers have honestly declared that if they were in a position of power, they would probably accept bribes? (see article entitled Teenagers willing to take bribes). Can't blame them - look at the example set for them today.
Again, it was at the Parliament.
The Opposition Leader, Mr. Lim raised an issue regarding a former Chief Minister of the state of Sabah at East Malaysia.
Basically, the gist of his point is summarised as such:-
"He could accumulate such astronomical wealth as to gamble RM158.7 million, lose RM31.6 million and run up RM7.1 million debts in a London casino a year after political retirement, apart from bigger gambling debts in other casinos in London."
However, Lim's application to debate the issue was - not surprisingly - rejected on grounds that " was not urgent and not of public interest."!!!!!!!!
Wat crap!!!!
How can it not be of public interest???? How could a minister accumulate so much wealth in the generally poor state of Sabah??? It no doubt smacks of the irressistable conclusion that there is a strong possibility of improper use of power (yes, yes, I'm using big words here to prevent meself from being locked up for sedition or sued for defamation).
Lim said it was of great public interest to ascertain how the national integrity system had failed to prevent corruption and abuses of power as evident in this case.
You can read the entire article here.
An investigation must be launched! After all the talk of weeding our corruption, surely our beloved PM cannot just sit back and do nothing (except publicly reprimand the said former CM).
Me mates at Sabah always complain about the corruption that happens there. Unfortunately, wif this kind of attitude by our ruling government, it's gonna be a long, long road to recovery (if ever we do recover!).
Is it any wonder that in a survey done by the Malaysian Integrity Institute, teenagers have honestly declared that if they were in a position of power, they would probably accept bribes? (see article entitled Teenagers willing to take bribes). Can't blame them - look at the example set for them today.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
A couple of minutes...

Fruits galore!
I just received this from me sis not too long ago.
Unfortunately, I won't be in town so I'll miss it. But if any of you guys are free, try it out and lemme know wat I missed!

Oh, and take loads of pics too!
Unfortunately, I won't be in town so I'll miss it. But if any of you guys are free, try it out and lemme know wat I missed!

Birthday yesterday
As a tribute to Han Solo, here are some of his Memorable Quotes from the Original Trilogy:-
Han Solo: Well, you can forget your troubles with those Imperial slugs. I told you I'd outrun 'em.
[nobody is listening]
Han Solo: Don't everyone thank me at once.
Luke: Why don't you outrun them? I thought you said this thing was fast.
Han Solo: Watch your mouth kid, or you're gonna find yourself floating home
Han Solo: Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh? You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.
Princess Leia: That doesn't sound too hard.
[comm is blinking, Han hits the button and pretends to be a Stormtrooper]
Han Solo: Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal.
Voice: What happened?
Han Solo: Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?
Voice: We're sending a squad up.
Han Solo: Uh, uh, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a minute to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous.
Voice: Who is this? What's your operating number?
Han Solo: Uh...
[shoots comm]
Han Solo: [mutters] Boring conversation anyway.
Han Solo: Luke, we're gonna have company!
[as the garbage compactor closes in]
Han Solo: One thing's for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner.
Han Solo: [after being tortured] I feel terrible.
[Han is getting ready to leave the rebel base in Hoth]
Han Solo: (with feeling) Well, Your Highness, I guess this is it.
Princess Leia: That's right.
[Leia is angry. Han sees she has no warmth to offer him. He shakes his head and adopts a sarcastic tone.]
Han Solo: (cooly) Well, don't get all mushy on me. So long, Princess.
Princess Leia: Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder.
Han Solo: Who's scruffy-looking?
Princess Leia: You're not actually going IN to an asteroid field?
Han Solo: They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they
C-3PO: Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1.
Han Solo: Never tell me the odds.
Princess Leia: Let go.
Han Solo: Shh.
Princess Leia: Let go, please.
Han Solo: Don't get excited.
Princess Leia: Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.
Han Solo: Sorry sweetheart. I haven't got time for anything else.
Princess Leia: Han, we need you!
Han Solo: We?
Princess Leia: Yes.
Han Solo: Oh, what about you need?
Princess Leia: (mystified) I need? I don't know what you're talking about.
Han Solo: (shakes his head, fed up) You probably don't.
Princess Leia: And what precisely am I supposed to know?
Han Solo: Come on! You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me.
Princess Leia: Yes. You're a great help to us. You're a natural leader...
Han Solo: No! That's not it. Come on. Aahhh -- uh huh! Come on.
[Leia stares at him, understanding, then laughs.]
Princess Leia: You're imagining things.
Han Solo: Am I? Then why are you following me? Afraid I was going to leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?
Princess Leia: I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee.
Han Solo: I can arrange that. You could use a good kiss.
Han Solo: Well Princess, it looks like you managed to keep me here a while longer.
Princess Leia: I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the system until they've activated the energy shield.
Han Solo: That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.
Princess Leia: I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain.
[Chewbacca laughs]
Han Solo: Laugh it up, fuzzball.
Han Solo: Then we'll have to go out on Tauntauns.
Deck Officer: Sir, the temperature's dropping too rapidly.
Han Solo: That's right. And my friend's out in it.
Assistant Officer: I'll cover sector twelve. Have com-control set screen alpha.
[Han pushes through the troops and mounts a Tauntaun.]
Deck Officer: Your Tauntaun'll freeze before you reach the first marker.
Han Solo: Then I'll see you in hell!
[After slicing up his dead tauntaun to keep Luke warm]
Han Solo: Oh. I thought they smelled bad on the *outside*.
[heading into a cave on a large asteroid]
Princess Leia: I hope you know what you're doing.
Han Solo: Yeah, me too.
C-3PO: Sir, it's quite possible this asteroid is not entirely stable.
Han Solo: Not entirely stable. I'm glad you're here to tell us these things. Chewie! Take the Professor in back and plug him into the hyperdrive!
Princess Leia: Would it help if I got out and pushed?
Han Solo: It might!
Han Solo: Hey, Your Worship, I'm only trying to help.
Princess Leia: Would you please stop calling me that?
Han Solo: Sure, Leia.
Princess Leia: Oh, you make it so difficult sometimes.
Han Solo: I do, I really do. You could be a little nicer, though. Come on, admit it. Sometimes you think I'm all right.
Princess Leia: Occasionally maybe... when you aren't acting like a scoundrel.
Han Solo: [laughs] Scoundrel? Scoundrel? I like the sound of that.
[Han takes her hand and starts to massage it]
Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.
C-3PO: Excuse me sir, but might I inquire as to what's going on?
Han Solo: Why not?
C-3PO: Impossible man.
Han Solo: No time to discuss this as a committee.
Princess Leia: I am not a committee.
Han Solo: Chewie. This can't help me. There'll be another time. The Princess. You have to take care of her. All right?
[Leia and Han shares a passionate kiss before Han is dragged towards the freezing chamber by the imperials]
Princess Leia: I love you.
Han Solo: I know.
(IMHO, one of the best scenes of the Original trilogy)
[Evacuating the Rebel Hoth base]
Han Solo: [to C-3PO] Hurry up, goldenrod. You're going to be a permanent resident.
Leia: They're getting closer.
Han Solo: Oh, yeah? Watch this.
[he throws the hyperdrive lever, the engine sputters and dies]
Leia: Watch what?
Han Solo: I think we're in trouble.
C-3PO: If I may say so, sir, I noticed earlier the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged. It's impossible to go to lightspeed.
Han Solo: We're in trouble.
Lando: I had no choice. They arrived right before you did. I'm sorry.
Han Solo: Yeah. Well I'm sorry too.
Han Solo: I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.
Luke: There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know.
Han Solo: You're going to die here, you know. Convenient.
C-3PO: His high exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately.
Han Solo: Good, I hate long waits.
C-3PO: You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea, and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlaac.
Han Solo: Doesn't sound so bad.
C-3PO: In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.
Han Solo: On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?
Han Solo: Together again.
Luke: Wouldn't miss it.
Han Solo: How we doin'?
Luke: Same as always.
Han Solo: That bad, huh?
C-3PO: Wonderful. We are now a part of the tribe.
[an Ewok hugs Han]
Han Solo: Just what I always wanted.
Han Solo: Chewie! I can't see, pal. What's going on? Luke? Luke's crazy! He can't even take care of himself, much less rescue anybody. A Jedi Knight? I'm out of it for a little while, and everyone gets delusions of grandieur!
[3PO announces that Jabba will listen to them beg for mercy]
Han Solo: 3PO. You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us.
[to Chebacca]
Han Solo: Right?
Episode IV
Han Solo: Well, you can forget your troubles with those Imperial slugs. I told you I'd outrun 'em.
[nobody is listening]
Han Solo: Don't everyone thank me at once.
Luke: Why don't you outrun them? I thought you said this thing was fast.
Han Solo: Watch your mouth kid, or you're gonna find yourself floating home
Han Solo: Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh? You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.
Princess Leia: That doesn't sound too hard.
[comm is blinking, Han hits the button and pretends to be a Stormtrooper]
Han Solo: Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal.
Voice: What happened?
Han Solo: Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?
Voice: We're sending a squad up.
Han Solo: Uh, uh, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a minute to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous.
Voice: Who is this? What's your operating number?
Han Solo: Uh...
[shoots comm]
Han Solo: [mutters] Boring conversation anyway.
Han Solo: Luke, we're gonna have company!
[as the garbage compactor closes in]
Han Solo: One thing's for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner.
Episode V
Han Solo: [after being tortured] I feel terrible.
[Han is getting ready to leave the rebel base in Hoth]
Han Solo: (with feeling) Well, Your Highness, I guess this is it.
Princess Leia: That's right.
[Leia is angry. Han sees she has no warmth to offer him. He shakes his head and adopts a sarcastic tone.]
Han Solo: (cooly) Well, don't get all mushy on me. So long, Princess.
Princess Leia: Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder.
Han Solo: Who's scruffy-looking?
Princess Leia: You're not actually going IN to an asteroid field?
Han Solo: They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they
C-3PO: Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1.
Han Solo: Never tell me the odds.
Princess Leia: Let go.
Han Solo: Shh.
Princess Leia: Let go, please.
Han Solo: Don't get excited.
Princess Leia: Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.
Han Solo: Sorry sweetheart. I haven't got time for anything else.
Princess Leia: Han, we need you!
Han Solo: We?
Princess Leia: Yes.
Han Solo: Oh, what about you need?
Princess Leia: (mystified) I need? I don't know what you're talking about.
Han Solo: (shakes his head, fed up) You probably don't.
Princess Leia: And what precisely am I supposed to know?
Han Solo: Come on! You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me.
Princess Leia: Yes. You're a great help to us. You're a natural leader...
Han Solo: No! That's not it. Come on. Aahhh -- uh huh! Come on.
[Leia stares at him, understanding, then laughs.]
Princess Leia: You're imagining things.
Han Solo: Am I? Then why are you following me? Afraid I was going to leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?
Princess Leia: I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee.
Han Solo: I can arrange that. You could use a good kiss.
Han Solo: Well Princess, it looks like you managed to keep me here a while longer.
Princess Leia: I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the system until they've activated the energy shield.
Han Solo: That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.
Princess Leia: I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain.
[Chewbacca laughs]
Han Solo: Laugh it up, fuzzball.
Han Solo: Then we'll have to go out on Tauntauns.
Deck Officer: Sir, the temperature's dropping too rapidly.
Han Solo: That's right. And my friend's out in it.
Assistant Officer: I'll cover sector twelve. Have com-control set screen alpha.
[Han pushes through the troops and mounts a Tauntaun.]
Deck Officer: Your Tauntaun'll freeze before you reach the first marker.
Han Solo: Then I'll see you in hell!
[After slicing up his dead tauntaun to keep Luke warm]
Han Solo: Oh. I thought they smelled bad on the *outside*.
[heading into a cave on a large asteroid]
Princess Leia: I hope you know what you're doing.
Han Solo: Yeah, me too.
C-3PO: Sir, it's quite possible this asteroid is not entirely stable.
Han Solo: Not entirely stable. I'm glad you're here to tell us these things. Chewie! Take the Professor in back and plug him into the hyperdrive!
Princess Leia: Would it help if I got out and pushed?
Han Solo: It might!
Han Solo: Hey, Your Worship, I'm only trying to help.
Princess Leia: Would you please stop calling me that?
Han Solo: Sure, Leia.
Princess Leia: Oh, you make it so difficult sometimes.
Han Solo: I do, I really do. You could be a little nicer, though. Come on, admit it. Sometimes you think I'm all right.
Princess Leia: Occasionally maybe... when you aren't acting like a scoundrel.
Han Solo: [laughs] Scoundrel? Scoundrel? I like the sound of that.
[Han takes her hand and starts to massage it]
Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.
C-3PO: Excuse me sir, but might I inquire as to what's going on?
Han Solo: Why not?
C-3PO: Impossible man.
Han Solo: No time to discuss this as a committee.
Princess Leia: I am not a committee.
Han Solo: Chewie. This can't help me. There'll be another time. The Princess. You have to take care of her. All right?
[Leia and Han shares a passionate kiss before Han is dragged towards the freezing chamber by the imperials]
Princess Leia: I love you.
Han Solo: I know.
(IMHO, one of the best scenes of the Original trilogy)
[Evacuating the Rebel Hoth base]
Han Solo: [to C-3PO] Hurry up, goldenrod. You're going to be a permanent resident.
Leia: They're getting closer.
Han Solo: Oh, yeah? Watch this.
[he throws the hyperdrive lever, the engine sputters and dies]
Leia: Watch what?
Han Solo: I think we're in trouble.
C-3PO: If I may say so, sir, I noticed earlier the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged. It's impossible to go to lightspeed.
Han Solo: We're in trouble.
Lando: I had no choice. They arrived right before you did. I'm sorry.
Han Solo: Yeah. Well I'm sorry too.
Episode VI
Han Solo: I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.
Luke: There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know.
Han Solo: You're going to die here, you know. Convenient.
C-3PO: His high exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately.
Han Solo: Good, I hate long waits.
C-3PO: You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea, and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlaac.
Han Solo: Doesn't sound so bad.
C-3PO: In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.
Han Solo: On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?
Han Solo: Together again.
Luke: Wouldn't miss it.
Han Solo: How we doin'?
Luke: Same as always.
Han Solo: That bad, huh?
C-3PO: Wonderful. We are now a part of the tribe.
[an Ewok hugs Han]
Han Solo: Just what I always wanted.
Han Solo: Chewie! I can't see, pal. What's going on? Luke? Luke's crazy! He can't even take care of himself, much less rescue anybody. A Jedi Knight? I'm out of it for a little while, and everyone gets delusions of grandieur!
[3PO announces that Jabba will listen to them beg for mercy]
Han Solo: 3PO. You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us.
[to Chebacca]
Han Solo: Right?
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Birthday today!
Here is the main reason why the Original Trilogy was far much entertaining and enjoyable compared to Episodes 1-3!

Happy birthday, Harrison Ford!

More meal time entertainment
Here's wat i read during me brunch (this time round, it's not a bunch of ministers but a school headmistress wif the classic one-liners!!! Looks like "foot-in-mouth disease" is not only the problem of church elders and cabinet ministers but even school headmistresses!!!):-
Parents unhappy Penang school keeping them out
BUTTERWORTH: Some parents here are upset with the move by a school to stop them from entering its premises during school hours.
Since SK Taman Inderawasih introduced the new ruling on July 4 as a security measure, hordes of parents have started gathering outside the school fence during recess to pass food to their children.
A notice at the school entrance stated that no one was allowed into the school for unofficial matters.
School headmaster Annas Goh Abdullah declined to comment on the new ruling when met at the school yesterday but said: “If you quote me in the papers, I will sue you.”
You can read the whole article here.
Parents unhappy Penang school keeping them out
BUTTERWORTH: Some parents here are upset with the move by a school to stop them from entering its premises during school hours.
Since SK Taman Inderawasih introduced the new ruling on July 4 as a security measure, hordes of parents have started gathering outside the school fence during recess to pass food to their children.
A notice at the school entrance stated that no one was allowed into the school for unofficial matters.
School headmaster Annas Goh Abdullah declined to comment on the new ruling when met at the school yesterday but said: “If you quote me in the papers, I will sue you.”
You can read the whole article here.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Meal time entertainment
It’s prolly a bad habit but I read during my meals. Of course, when I gather for family meals, the reading material will be chucked aside.
But most of the time, I eat alone and so, I read! And usually, unless it’s a book which can stay open by itself on the table, I’ll read the papers. I’ll devour every single page and article (as I devour my meal!).
Here was wat entertained me today:-
“…certain advertisements have come under fire for projecting the “wrong image.”
Deputy Information Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai said one of the advertisements showed a blindfolded woman driving a car and crashing into other cars.
The other cars were badly damaged but not the one driven by the woman, said Lim.
“We cannot allow such advertisements.
“Children may grow up thinking that it is normal to drive a car blindfolded,” he said after attending the Taiping Hawkers Association anniversary on Monday night.
(You can read the whole article here)
Whoa!!!! Read that line again – yes, he did say “Children may grow up thinking that it is normal to drive a car blindfolded”!!!!! What? Do have some really STUPID AND BRAINLESS children in our country?
Maybe the wise Deputy Minister (yes, this is the kind of people we have running our country) was reflecting on his own childhood and how gullible he was then.
What an insult to the children in our midst!
Well, at least that minister was reflecting on his childhood. Some of our ministers are still in their childhood!!!!
In the Parliament yesterday, certain members of the Opposition Party were commenting that our beloved country is not an Islamic state but a secular state.
Well, instead of having a intellectual mature discourse about it, a backbencher of the ruling party jumped up and shouted “If you don’t like the definition (that Malaysia is an Islamic state), you can get out of the country!”
Of course, being a member of the ruling party, that particular child escaped punishment for his disrespectful, childish behaviour!!!!
You can read the whole article here.
Sometimes, reading causes me to lose me appetite…
But most of the time, I eat alone and so, I read! And usually, unless it’s a book which can stay open by itself on the table, I’ll read the papers. I’ll devour every single page and article (as I devour my meal!).
Here was wat entertained me today:-
“…certain advertisements have come under fire for projecting the “wrong image.”
Deputy Information Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai said one of the advertisements showed a blindfolded woman driving a car and crashing into other cars.
The other cars were badly damaged but not the one driven by the woman, said Lim.
“We cannot allow such advertisements.
“Children may grow up thinking that it is normal to drive a car blindfolded,” he said after attending the Taiping Hawkers Association anniversary on Monday night.
(You can read the whole article here)
Whoa!!!! Read that line again – yes, he did say “Children may grow up thinking that it is normal to drive a car blindfolded”!!!!! What? Do have some really STUPID AND BRAINLESS children in our country?
Maybe the wise Deputy Minister (yes, this is the kind of people we have running our country) was reflecting on his own childhood and how gullible he was then.
What an insult to the children in our midst!
Well, at least that minister was reflecting on his childhood. Some of our ministers are still in their childhood!!!!
In the Parliament yesterday, certain members of the Opposition Party were commenting that our beloved country is not an Islamic state but a secular state.
Well, instead of having a intellectual mature discourse about it, a backbencher of the ruling party jumped up and shouted “If you don’t like the definition (that Malaysia is an Islamic state), you can get out of the country!”
Of course, being a member of the ruling party, that particular child escaped punishment for his disrespectful, childish behaviour!!!!
You can read the whole article here.
Sometimes, reading causes me to lose me appetite…
Monday, July 11, 2005
Breakfast set
Ok, when I bought the cookie jar (see earlier post entitled Cookie jar), I oso bought a "Breakfast Set".
This is the "Breakfast Set":-

Yup, it's an R2D2 Breakfast Set!!!! Really!
Here's the packaging:-

The front, the back and the side

First, pull out R2's leg!

From his legs, you can find 2 cereal spoons!!!

Then, take off his head and flip it over - you get a cereal bowl!!!

As for his body/torso/watever, you can pull off the bottom for another cereal bowl. The main body part can be used to store the cereal!
This is the "Breakfast Set":-

Yup, it's an R2D2 Breakfast Set!!!! Really!
Here's the packaging:-

The front, the back and the side
OK - so how is it a breakfast set? Look at the side of the box for directions:-

First, pull out R2's leg!

From his legs, you can find 2 cereal spoons!!!

Then, take off his head and flip it over - you get a cereal bowl!!!

As for his body/torso/watever, you can pull off the bottom for another cereal bowl. The main body part can be used to store the cereal!
Is this cool or is this cool?
Sweet and sour
After the previous happy post, it’s kinda weird to blog bout wat I’m planning to do rite now.
Nope, dun let the pic and the title mislead you on wat this post is all about. The title refers to how frenships can be sweet one day, and then turn sour the next.
It’s just sad to see how frens can suddenly stop being frens just like that!
C is a fren of mine. C has a really good fren, P. They are really close. C is somewat like a mentor to P!!!! They have been frens for years – if I’m not mistaken, since P joined the company C is in. They have lunch together almost every day. They share and talk about their frustrations and joys. C is always “promoting” P to others! C never fails to tell me wat a wonderful person P is.
Then suddenly, it ended. I was shocked to hear that C and P are no longer in talking terms!!!!
Wat happened? I dun really know the full picture. But basically, there was a breach of trust. In December last year, P received news that she’ll be promoted. But somehow, for reasons that no one can figure out – and which prolly only P knows – she kept it a secret from all her frens, including C. Ok, not too bad, rite? But she put on a “show” by complaining how unhappy she is in the company, how she is so unappreciated, etc. C has always been a frenly listening ear to P. In fact, C and P’s other frens tried to support her, encourage her, talk to bosses etc.
It even came to a point that P started telling everyone that she was so unhappy that she was gonna resign.
C was affected by it, naturally.
Then, suddenly, out of the blue, everyone learned about P’s promotion!!!! P left her department and took up her new place in a new department. The people in her old department and C were shocked. Why all the play-acting? Why was she playing on their emotions? What the heck was going on???
And to make matters worse, P started being good pals wif S. S, as everyone knows, happens to be C’s “arch-nemesis”!!!! Back in those days, C, P and the rest of their clique would complain about S. Now, P and S goes out for lunches together!!!!
So tt’s it. May I just add that all I’ve recounted above is purely hearsay.
My first reaction was “What a waste!!!” Such a good frenship turned sour literally overnite!!!! But one can understand how hurt C must have been. And now wif P being buddy-buddy wif S, there seem to be no more hope of a reconciliation.
It is so sad.
I am thankful to God that no matter wat happens between me and me mates – and lemme say that A LOT HAS HAPPENED!!! – we would still be frens. I’m thankful to me mates who have put up wif my mistakes and wrong-doings. I just hope and pray that no matter wat happens in the future, me mates will remain as that!
Reservations for 2!
Haha!!! Finally, the kuching telah keluar dari beg!!!!
I’ve been suspecting it for a long time – but never plucked the courage to ask. (Yes, yes, I'm a dodger in disguise after all!!!!) After all, if I was wrong, then it would be quite embarrassing! It might even cause sum problems.
Then it came to a point when it was sooo obvious – but yet, I can’t be 100% sure.
Anyways, me mate finally ended my agony and … well, basically told the whole world (World Wide Web) that yes, he is going out wif her!!!!
Of course, I must admit that when I finally found out, one of Queen’s song started playing in my head!!!! Yeah, “Another one bites the dust”!!!! LOL!!! But perhaps, that is a bit premature.
Still, dun u just love it when 2 people get together? All the more when both are yr good mates and both, to you are simply wonderful people! Woohoo!!!!
Am happy for you guys!!!! Will be praying for you. It’s a long road ahead and no doubt it’s gonna be difficult! But it’ll be absolutely brilliant too! :-)
I’ve been suspecting it for a long time – but never plucked the courage to ask. (Yes, yes, I'm a dodger in disguise after all!!!!) After all, if I was wrong, then it would be quite embarrassing! It might even cause sum problems.
Then it came to a point when it was sooo obvious – but yet, I can’t be 100% sure.
Anyways, me mate finally ended my agony and … well, basically told the whole world (World Wide Web) that yes, he is going out wif her!!!!
Of course, I must admit that when I finally found out, one of Queen’s song started playing in my head!!!! Yeah, “Another one bites the dust”!!!! LOL!!! But perhaps, that is a bit premature.
Still, dun u just love it when 2 people get together? All the more when both are yr good mates and both, to you are simply wonderful people! Woohoo!!!!
Am happy for you guys!!!! Will be praying for you. It’s a long road ahead and no doubt it’s gonna be difficult! But it’ll be absolutely brilliant too! :-)
Free for a drink?
I was having a drink wif a mate the other day and I was laughing at her. You see, she’s a… how shall I say it… a dodger!!! (Not my choice of words- sumone said it!!!). She was non-confrontational - and would do almost anything to dodge having to "confront" anyone!
And I was laughing at how she had to go out and have lunch wif this guy whom she hardly knew and whom she had absolutely no interest in. but she couldn’t say “no” to him even tho she din wanna go for it. So she did!!!!
Well, I better be careful about who I laugh at about wat!!!! That happened to me last week.
You see, an ex-colleague celebrated her birthday 2 weeks ago. So I just dropped by to me old office and gave her a gift – it was nuthin much. Just some chocs.
She asked to meet up that nite for a drink. OK, I said. It had been a while since I chatted wif her. So I did.
That was on Thursday.
On Friday, she called me up to go out again that nite. I couldn’t find an excuse not to and I couldn’t say no!!!!! Sigh…
Anyways, thank God she had to work late that nite and as I was on the way to meet her, she called to ask if we could meet up later. I told her I can’t and got meself off the hook!!!!
Then on Saturday nite, while at a CG gathering, she called me up!!!! She asked if I had MSN and whether I was on-line to chat or not!!! I told her I was not in. Escaped again!!!!
Last nite, Sunday nite, during the b’day dinner of a mate (see previous post entitled "Cheers"), she texted me again!!!!! She asked if I was free for a movie on Monday nite!! She wanted to watch THE AMITYVILLE HORROR. I told her that I dun watch horror movies!!! She texted back to ask then if we could go out for a drink on Monday nite. I said I’ll confirm again. She then called me!!! She wanted to talk wif me but realised I was out of me house.
So how? Shall I go and have a drink wif her tonite? Sigh… look who’s the dodger now! :-(
And I was laughing at how she had to go out and have lunch wif this guy whom she hardly knew and whom she had absolutely no interest in. but she couldn’t say “no” to him even tho she din wanna go for it. So she did!!!!
Well, I better be careful about who I laugh at about wat!!!! That happened to me last week.
You see, an ex-colleague celebrated her birthday 2 weeks ago. So I just dropped by to me old office and gave her a gift – it was nuthin much. Just some chocs.
She asked to meet up that nite for a drink. OK, I said. It had been a while since I chatted wif her. So I did.
That was on Thursday.
On Friday, she called me up to go out again that nite. I couldn’t find an excuse not to and I couldn’t say no!!!!! Sigh…
Anyways, thank God she had to work late that nite and as I was on the way to meet her, she called to ask if we could meet up later. I told her I can’t and got meself off the hook!!!!
Then on Saturday nite, while at a CG gathering, she called me up!!!! She asked if I had MSN and whether I was on-line to chat or not!!! I told her I was not in. Escaped again!!!!
Last nite, Sunday nite, during the b’day dinner of a mate (see previous post entitled "Cheers"), she texted me again!!!!! She asked if I was free for a movie on Monday nite!! She wanted to watch THE AMITYVILLE HORROR. I told her that I dun watch horror movies!!! She texted back to ask then if we could go out for a drink on Monday nite. I said I’ll confirm again. She then called me!!! She wanted to talk wif me but realised I was out of me house.
So how? Shall I go and have a drink wif her tonite? Sigh… look who’s the dodger now! :-(
You know wat Rafa Benitez (Liverpool FC’s coach) and I have in common? We both have this weakness for wings!!!!
I absolutely love chicken wings! It is prolly the most tasty part of the chicken. I love deep fried wings, roasted wings, BBQ wings, etc!
Well, Rafa have this thing for wings too – except it is a different kind of wing!!! He has a weakness for left-wing players!!!!
“Now we have discovered what Rafael Benitez's weakness is: wingers. Or, to be precise, left wingers. To Harry Kewell, Luis Garcia, Stephen Warnock and John Arne Riise, he has added Mark Gonzalez and Boudewijn Zenden. Luis Figo could give the Spaniard a seventh option on the left flank.
Liverpool, the city of Militant, have more left wingers than the Labour government.”
(Norman Hubbard, ESPN

Read the whole article here!
Well, methinks Liverpool would have been so much better off if Gerrard had left – but so much has been said about it that I won’t go into it now. Anyways, it is purely academic – at least for another year!!!
I absolutely love chicken wings! It is prolly the most tasty part of the chicken. I love deep fried wings, roasted wings, BBQ wings, etc!
Well, Rafa have this thing for wings too – except it is a different kind of wing!!! He has a weakness for left-wing players!!!!
“Now we have discovered what Rafael Benitez's weakness is: wingers. Or, to be precise, left wingers. To Harry Kewell, Luis Garcia, Stephen Warnock and John Arne Riise, he has added Mark Gonzalez and Boudewijn Zenden. Luis Figo could give the Spaniard a seventh option on the left flank.
Liverpool, the city of Militant, have more left wingers than the Labour government.”
(Norman Hubbard, ESPN

New winger in new jersey! Bolo on the ball!
(Pic obtained from ESPN Soccernet)
(Pic obtained from ESPN Soccernet)
But it is not necessarily a bad thing. The writer of the above article went on to say “But the focus on wingers suggests a recognition from Benitez that Liverpool need more than a counter-attacking masterplan to succeed in the Premiership”. He oso realised that the left-wingers of Liverpool are actually very versatile and can play in many different positions – strikers, left-back, right-wing.
Read the whole article here!
Well, methinks Liverpool would have been so much better off if Gerrard had left – but so much has been said about it that I won’t go into it now. Anyways, it is purely academic – at least for another year!!!
Cookie jar
This is a cookie jar:-

Details of the cookie jar!

I kid you not!
Here're pics of the packaging it came in:-
I kid you not!
Here're pics of the packaging it came in:-

And how does it function as a cookie jar? Just pull off Vader's helmet and store the cookies!!!


Details of the cookie jar!
1. Lee Chong Wei won the Malaysian Open!!!!
The Malaysian Open finals was last nite. The 4th seed, Malaysia’s Chong Wei, won the finals by beating the top seed and World no. 1, Lin Dai!!!
It has been a while since I watched badminton. It has just been too much a heartache to watch Malaysians play badminton.
However, Chong Wei has revived my interest in this sport.
It took him 3 sets to win the game – and he just loved to do it the hard way!! He won 17-15, 9-15, 15-9. In the first set, he was done 10-0 before clawing his way back up and forcing the deuce to win the game. In the 3rd and decider set, he was trailing 7-0!!! Yet he came back to win the game.
Wat made it nicer was that I watched it wif me dad and wif some of me mates who came over to me place.
2. Celebrating me mate’s birthday
It was M’s b’day on Thursday. After some coordinating, we had to fix Sunday nite for his b’day dinner – that was last nite (yes, that was the reason why I couldn’t go up to Penang yesterday too!!!).
M and I go back a long, long way. We could not have been any more different! And that caused much friction at times. But yet, tt’s wat being frens is all about. And we had a strong common ground to keep our frenship going strong – Jesus!
So it was a really nice time to just hang out wif him and other mates, talking, joking, making a lot of noise.
It was oso prolly one of the last b’days of M that I would spend wif him. I’m glad it was a really good one!
3. Jit Seng’s back!!!
This is prolly the biggest cheer – and will be for a long, long time.
A couple of months ago, we received a terrible shocking news. Jit Seng was diagnosed wif cancer. It was so serious that he had to be hospitalised almost immediately and pout on chemotherapy.
Jit Seng was one the most well-liked person in our church. He never has shortage of smiles to share. Wif him, there is always happiness. But more than just that, he was one of the most detailed and hardworking person in the church. Whatever the task was, big or small, he would take it very seriously and work tirelessly.
He has a wonderful family too – his wife and his 3 young kids.
So the news came as a big shock and it really caused us to be down.
However, after 3 rounds of chemo, he is back wif us again!!!! He was back last Sunday!!! After the service, I heard a familiar voice behind me talking cheerfully, laughing. I turned around and it was Jit Seng wif a group of brothers, chatting away. Except for the fact that all his hair has dropped off, no one would guess that this was a man suffering from cancer and had gone thru 3 rounds of chemo and still is uncertain whether he will overcome the cancer or not!!!
It was wonderful to have him back. It was so touching to see how he is still so strong in his faith and still so cheerful despite the circumstances (he still has some chemo to do and until then, we won’t know how effective the chemo had been. He could come back because he is on “hospital-leave”. As long as the docs think he is alrite, then he is allowed back home. If not, then he has to be in the hospital).
He came over to me, shook me hand and thanked me for sending his kids and mom to church in his absence. I waved it (the compliment) away saying it was no big deal. After all, they stay just 2 mins away. Still, he insisted wif his appreciation – and he really made me feel so blessed to be able to help even in such a small way.
I’m truly so blessed and encouraged and cheered by him. Thanks, Lord.
We will continue to pray for him.
The Malaysian Open finals was last nite. The 4th seed, Malaysia’s Chong Wei, won the finals by beating the top seed and World no. 1, Lin Dai!!!
It has been a while since I watched badminton. It has just been too much a heartache to watch Malaysians play badminton.
However, Chong Wei has revived my interest in this sport.
It took him 3 sets to win the game – and he just loved to do it the hard way!! He won 17-15, 9-15, 15-9. In the first set, he was done 10-0 before clawing his way back up and forcing the deuce to win the game. In the 3rd and decider set, he was trailing 7-0!!! Yet he came back to win the game.
Wat made it nicer was that I watched it wif me dad and wif some of me mates who came over to me place.
2. Celebrating me mate’s birthday
It was M’s b’day on Thursday. After some coordinating, we had to fix Sunday nite for his b’day dinner – that was last nite (yes, that was the reason why I couldn’t go up to Penang yesterday too!!!).
M and I go back a long, long way. We could not have been any more different! And that caused much friction at times. But yet, tt’s wat being frens is all about. And we had a strong common ground to keep our frenship going strong – Jesus!
So it was a really nice time to just hang out wif him and other mates, talking, joking, making a lot of noise.
It was oso prolly one of the last b’days of M that I would spend wif him. I’m glad it was a really good one!
3. Jit Seng’s back!!!
This is prolly the biggest cheer – and will be for a long, long time.
A couple of months ago, we received a terrible shocking news. Jit Seng was diagnosed wif cancer. It was so serious that he had to be hospitalised almost immediately and pout on chemotherapy.
Jit Seng was one the most well-liked person in our church. He never has shortage of smiles to share. Wif him, there is always happiness. But more than just that, he was one of the most detailed and hardworking person in the church. Whatever the task was, big or small, he would take it very seriously and work tirelessly.
He has a wonderful family too – his wife and his 3 young kids.
So the news came as a big shock and it really caused us to be down.
However, after 3 rounds of chemo, he is back wif us again!!!! He was back last Sunday!!! After the service, I heard a familiar voice behind me talking cheerfully, laughing. I turned around and it was Jit Seng wif a group of brothers, chatting away. Except for the fact that all his hair has dropped off, no one would guess that this was a man suffering from cancer and had gone thru 3 rounds of chemo and still is uncertain whether he will overcome the cancer or not!!!
It was wonderful to have him back. It was so touching to see how he is still so strong in his faith and still so cheerful despite the circumstances (he still has some chemo to do and until then, we won’t know how effective the chemo had been. He could come back because he is on “hospital-leave”. As long as the docs think he is alrite, then he is allowed back home. If not, then he has to be in the hospital).
He came over to me, shook me hand and thanked me for sending his kids and mom to church in his absence. I waved it (the compliment) away saying it was no big deal. After all, they stay just 2 mins away. Still, he insisted wif his appreciation – and he really made me feel so blessed to be able to help even in such a small way.
I’m truly so blessed and encouraged and cheered by him. Thanks, Lord.
We will continue to pray for him.