Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Meal time entertainment

It’s prolly a bad habit but I read during my meals. Of course, when I gather for family meals, the reading material will be chucked aside.

But most of the time, I eat alone and so, I read! And usually, unless it’s a book which can stay open by itself on the table, I’ll read the papers. I’ll devour every single page and article (as I devour my meal!).

Here was wat entertained me today:-

“…certain advertisements have come under fire for projecting the “wrong image.”

Deputy Information Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai said one of the advertisements showed a blindfolded woman driving a car and crashing into other cars.

The other cars were badly damaged but not the one driven by the woman, said Lim.

“We cannot allow such advertisements.

“Children may grow up thinking that it is normal to drive a car blindfolded,” he said after attending the Taiping Hawkers Association anniversary on Monday night.

(You can read the whole article here)

Whoa!!!! Read that line again – yes, he did say “Children may grow up thinking that it is normal to drive a car blindfolded!!!!! What? Do have some really STUPID AND BRAINLESS children in our country?

Maybe the wise Deputy Minister (yes, this is the kind of people we have running our country) was reflecting on his own childhood and how gullible he was then.

What an insult to the children in our midst!

Well, at least that minister was reflecting on his childhood. Some of our ministers are still in their childhood!!!!

In the Parliament yesterday, certain members of the Opposition Party were commenting that our beloved country is not an Islamic state but a secular state.

Well, instead of having a intellectual mature discourse about it, a backbencher of the ruling party jumped up and shouted “If you don’t like the definition (that Malaysia is an Islamic state), you can get out of the country!”

Of course, being a member of the ruling party, that particular child escaped punishment for his disrespectful, childish behaviour!!!!

You can read the whole article here.

Sometimes, reading causes me to lose me appetite…

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