Saturday, July 16, 2005
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
The only thing the 2 movies I watched on Wednesday (RM6 a movie!!!) had in common was peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Tom Cruise offered to make his children that for dinner – and ended up with a slice of bread stuck to the window, being held up wif peanut butter!!!
Morgan Freeman offered Jet Li the same after he got up from his sleep.
I watched “The War of the Worlds” and “Unleashed”.
Prolly the other common thing bout the 2 movies was that despite not expecting much from either, I ended up enjoying both!
I never really liked Jet Li’s English movies. I never thought he was a good actor too. I enjoyed watching his Chinese movies which showcased his kung fu skills.
Still I enjoyed this movie. The fight scenes were almost pushed to the background. It was not too bad and thankfully, they din use much wire-work this time. Wat really worked for me was Morgan Freeman! He was excellent! I’ve always liked him ever since I watched Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (yeah, the one where Robin spoke in an awful American accent!!!) where I thought he stole the show as being a muslim member of Robin’s merry men!

He played a blind man who helped Jet’s character rediscover his humanity again. The girl who played Morgan’s step daughter did a good job too! She is Irish girl Kerry Condon whose mischievous smile can win over any heart!

Oh, Bob Hoskins was simply excellent as the cruel “owner”!!!! Brilliant!

Jet? It can’t be too difficult playing a role that requires u to act like an idiot, rite? His fight scenes were good tho.
The movie was set in Glasgow but everyone was speaking in a cockney accent!!! The way music was tied into the story was nice.
I understand that a lot of the younger people din really like this movie. Quite a number of people were oso turned off by the ending.
Hello? You mean you have not read the story before???? Even if you did not read it before, surely you would have heard about it???
I din expect much – after all, it was a Tom Cruise movie – so that means, lots of close-up of Tom, Tom standing in a nice pose, Tom sitting in a nice pose, wind blowing on Tom’s hair (but NOT messing it up)… you get the picture?
But it was great!
Tom wasn’t too bad himself – although I did think he looks a bit too young for the role. Perhaps Viggo Mortenson? Harrison Ford?
Dakota Fanning was excellent, as expected. Not as good as she was in “Man on Fire” but still, she was good!

Tim Robbin’s appearance was a nice surprise and he was excellent, as usual!

But at the end of the day, it’s the director! I must take my hat off to Steven Spielberg – and ask for forgiveness for losing faith in him (wat’s his obsession wif Tom Cruise anyway???). This movie reminds me of why I used to think he’s the best director of all time. This movie brings back the magic I saw in Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, Empire of the Sun, Raiders of the Lost Ark (and its sequels) and Jaws!
Some of the scenes just left me wif my mouth opened! Others had me gripping the handle of me seats.

The “thunderstorm” scene was really good.
The first scene when the tripods appear was SUPER!!!! – and left me wif me mouth opened! The tar on the road cracking up. The buildings braking apart, the church building falling apart, the tripods finally emerging, and then zapping everyone in sight!
When Tom cruise emerges from his ex-wife’s basement, I expected everything on ground level to be destroyed. But nothing prepared me for the sight of the jet engine and then the whole fuselage of the 747 crashed outside the house!!!! The scene left me wif me mouth wide, wide opened!
The scenes in Tim Robbin’s basement was a real nerve-wrecker – far much better than the basement scenes in Signs (which I tot and still think is really good!). Now this is wat a horror movie shud be!
Finally the close-up scenes catching the emotions – typically Spielberg-fashioned!
Truly, a great visual fest! Spielberg back at his best!
I know I’m in the minority but this is highly recommended!
p/s - oh, another common denominator of both movies (truly trivial trivia) is that Morgan Freeman is in both! He was the narrator for The War of the Worlds!
p/p/s - all pics obtained from
p/p/p/s - oh, oh, oh how could I forget!!! The added bonus I got watching The War of the Worlds was that I caught the trailer for King Kong!!! Awesome!!!!
Tom Cruise offered to make his children that for dinner – and ended up with a slice of bread stuck to the window, being held up wif peanut butter!!!
Morgan Freeman offered Jet Li the same after he got up from his sleep.
I watched “The War of the Worlds” and “Unleashed”.
Prolly the other common thing bout the 2 movies was that despite not expecting much from either, I ended up enjoying both!
I never really liked Jet Li’s English movies. I never thought he was a good actor too. I enjoyed watching his Chinese movies which showcased his kung fu skills.
Still I enjoyed this movie. The fight scenes were almost pushed to the background. It was not too bad and thankfully, they din use much wire-work this time. Wat really worked for me was Morgan Freeman! He was excellent! I’ve always liked him ever since I watched Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (yeah, the one where Robin spoke in an awful American accent!!!) where I thought he stole the show as being a muslim member of Robin’s merry men!

He played a blind man who helped Jet’s character rediscover his humanity again. The girl who played Morgan’s step daughter did a good job too! She is Irish girl Kerry Condon whose mischievous smile can win over any heart!

Oh, Bob Hoskins was simply excellent as the cruel “owner”!!!! Brilliant!

Jet? It can’t be too difficult playing a role that requires u to act like an idiot, rite? His fight scenes were good tho.
The movie was set in Glasgow but everyone was speaking in a cockney accent!!! The way music was tied into the story was nice.
The War of the Worlds
I understand that a lot of the younger people din really like this movie. Quite a number of people were oso turned off by the ending.
Hello? You mean you have not read the story before???? Even if you did not read it before, surely you would have heard about it???
I din expect much – after all, it was a Tom Cruise movie – so that means, lots of close-up of Tom, Tom standing in a nice pose, Tom sitting in a nice pose, wind blowing on Tom’s hair (but NOT messing it up)… you get the picture?
But it was great!
Tom wasn’t too bad himself – although I did think he looks a bit too young for the role. Perhaps Viggo Mortenson? Harrison Ford?
Dakota Fanning was excellent, as expected. Not as good as she was in “Man on Fire” but still, she was good!

My little tribute to Dakota Fanning
Tim Robbin’s appearance was a nice surprise and he was excellent, as usual!

But at the end of the day, it’s the director! I must take my hat off to Steven Spielberg – and ask for forgiveness for losing faith in him (wat’s his obsession wif Tom Cruise anyway???). This movie reminds me of why I used to think he’s the best director of all time. This movie brings back the magic I saw in Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, Empire of the Sun, Raiders of the Lost Ark (and its sequels) and Jaws!
Some of the scenes just left me wif my mouth opened! Others had me gripping the handle of me seats.

Spielberg trademark - shadows
--------------------Spoilers ahead--------------------
(highlight the following portion to read)
The “thunderstorm” scene was really good.
The first scene when the tripods appear was SUPER!!!! – and left me wif me mouth opened! The tar on the road cracking up. The buildings braking apart, the church building falling apart, the tripods finally emerging, and then zapping everyone in sight!
When Tom cruise emerges from his ex-wife’s basement, I expected everything on ground level to be destroyed. But nothing prepared me for the sight of the jet engine and then the whole fuselage of the 747 crashed outside the house!!!! The scene left me wif me mouth wide, wide opened!
The scenes in Tim Robbin’s basement was a real nerve-wrecker – far much better than the basement scenes in Signs (which I tot and still think is really good!). Now this is wat a horror movie shud be!
Finally the close-up scenes catching the emotions – typically Spielberg-fashioned!
Truly, a great visual fest! Spielberg back at his best!
I know I’m in the minority but this is highly recommended!
p/s - oh, another common denominator of both movies (truly trivial trivia) is that Morgan Freeman is in both! He was the narrator for The War of the Worlds!
p/p/s - all pics obtained from
p/p/p/s - oh, oh, oh how could I forget!!! The added bonus I got watching The War of the Worlds was that I caught the trailer for King Kong!!! Awesome!!!!