Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sugar & Spice (Part 2)

This is the follow-up to an earlier post, Sugar & Spice.

The sugar & spice of me life! Posted by Hello

Me niece is not feeling well. She is coughing a bit. The trouble is that at times, she'll go into this coughing fit and end up throwing-up/ And of course, crying. So sad. :-(

Do pray for her.

In my earlier post stated above, I mentioned about a former employer who was... well, not so nice. The trouble was that before she revealed her true colours to me, i recommended a mate to join her on a permanent basis (as I was there as a temp and she was lloking for someone permanent).

Well, me mate agreed to join her and actually left his job. He is scheduled to start wif her next month.

However, he is prolly regretting it - and I am feeling so bad as I felt I am the cause of his problems.

She is really unethical (wat makes it worse is that she goes around potraying herself as a very committed Christian!). Example - when me mate finally went to sign the agreement wif her, he found to his horror that she has conveniently included MANY EXTRA TERMS. Terms which were never agreed upon earlier. Terms, which of course benefits her at the expense of me mate! Terms which I felt were unfair.

The thing about it is that she knew very well that he had left his previous job and he has NO CHOICE but to join her. Or be unemployed! Of course he can't choose the latter (in Malaysia, if one is unemployed, one gets no sort of imcome or payment from the government).

Sugar & spice? More like arsenic and poison!

Sori, mate. I shouldn't have recommended you to join her in the first place. :-(

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