Thursday, August 11, 2005
This week's meal time entertainment
Got meself another book:-

Paid a big price to get it - had to go out in the horrible haze! If u r not from this country - or if u are in Penang or Johor, lemme update u that the situation here wif the haze is getting extremely bad. The air quality is in some areas is considered extremely hazardous. :-(
Anyways, i finished the other book in record time (for me! 2 days!) mainly cuz I was cooped up indoors for the pass 2 days as the haze has been simple unbearable!
This book is oso rented and I’ve just finished chapter 1. It sounds promising!
But I always find that wif Grisham’s books. He starts of really well and the ending just cannot compare wif the start. Having said that, I still enjoy his books and his writings (I hear he’s a Christian. Can anyone confirm that? I am not surprise if he is!).
Still I must admit that “The King of Torts” disappointed me a little. Maybe I’ve been reading his books too much – cuz I guessed the ending very early on. Still, it was enjoyable, especially since I myself have been involved in torts cases before. Maybe my familiarity wif the subject did not make the book such a “novel” read to me this time.
I really enjoyed his books – the Pelican Brief, The Client, The Firm, The Brethren and The Testament are among my favourites!
I must take sum time here and comment about the book I was reading last month – yeah, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I guess at this point of time, many still have not read it yet so I’ll make me comment spoiler free.
Not much to say except how disappointed I am. After the fiasco the last book raised, I never did think that Rowling could get any worse. She did. If you thought that The Order of the Pheonix was bad, this is worse. Sure, it is not as long as TOFTP but it contains a lot of unnecessary stuffs. Unlike TOFTP which I felt kept my interest going until it fell flat at the end, THBP dragged along. It wasn’t bad but I was getting impatient reading it!
*C’mon, get on wif it!*
Until suddenly, the end is rushed by! Sure there are some interesting twists at the end but all too fast and all too quickly.
And the Half-Blood Prince? When u discover who he/she is, you’ll be disappointed 9or like me, you won’t be surprised!).
It is ironic that I only started to buy Harry Potter books when it started getting bad. The Prisoner of Azkaban was simply excellent. The Goblet of Fire was very entertaining! So I decided to invest in the next one. BIG disappointment. Ok, I thought. Everyone has a day off. Perhaps she’ll redeem herself wif the HBP. Nope. Methinks that the millions she has has changed her.
After all, all good stories are written on an empty stomach, are they not?
WARNING! Spoilers ahead (as usual, highlight the following portion to read it. be warned!):-
One of the reasons I din like too ws the fact that Snape was the one who murdered Dumbledore!
I've always liked how she potrays Snape in a negative light at the beginning only for it to be revealked in the end that he was in fact helping all along!
Not so this time.
But somehow, me got a feeling that even tho Snape was the one who murdered Dumbledore. things may not seem to be how it is. Perhaps Snape is still on the good side. Perhaps, Dumbledore's death was a necessary sacrifice.
Just thought I'd put me thoughts here - just in case I'm proven right in the future!!

Paid a big price to get it - had to go out in the horrible haze! If u r not from this country - or if u are in Penang or Johor, lemme update u that the situation here wif the haze is getting extremely bad. The air quality is in some areas is considered extremely hazardous. :-(
Anyways, i finished the other book in record time (for me! 2 days!) mainly cuz I was cooped up indoors for the pass 2 days as the haze has been simple unbearable!
This book is oso rented and I’ve just finished chapter 1. It sounds promising!
But I always find that wif Grisham’s books. He starts of really well and the ending just cannot compare wif the start. Having said that, I still enjoy his books and his writings (I hear he’s a Christian. Can anyone confirm that? I am not surprise if he is!).
Still I must admit that “The King of Torts” disappointed me a little. Maybe I’ve been reading his books too much – cuz I guessed the ending very early on. Still, it was enjoyable, especially since I myself have been involved in torts cases before. Maybe my familiarity wif the subject did not make the book such a “novel” read to me this time.
I really enjoyed his books – the Pelican Brief, The Client, The Firm, The Brethren and The Testament are among my favourites!
I must take sum time here and comment about the book I was reading last month – yeah, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I guess at this point of time, many still have not read it yet so I’ll make me comment spoiler free.
Not much to say except how disappointed I am. After the fiasco the last book raised, I never did think that Rowling could get any worse. She did. If you thought that The Order of the Pheonix was bad, this is worse. Sure, it is not as long as TOFTP but it contains a lot of unnecessary stuffs. Unlike TOFTP which I felt kept my interest going until it fell flat at the end, THBP dragged along. It wasn’t bad but I was getting impatient reading it!
*C’mon, get on wif it!*
Until suddenly, the end is rushed by! Sure there are some interesting twists at the end but all too fast and all too quickly.
And the Half-Blood Prince? When u discover who he/she is, you’ll be disappointed 9or like me, you won’t be surprised!).
It is ironic that I only started to buy Harry Potter books when it started getting bad. The Prisoner of Azkaban was simply excellent. The Goblet of Fire was very entertaining! So I decided to invest in the next one. BIG disappointment. Ok, I thought. Everyone has a day off. Perhaps she’ll redeem herself wif the HBP. Nope. Methinks that the millions she has has changed her.
After all, all good stories are written on an empty stomach, are they not?
WARNING! Spoilers ahead (as usual, highlight the following portion to read it. be warned!):-
One of the reasons I din like too ws the fact that Snape was the one who murdered Dumbledore!
I've always liked how she potrays Snape in a negative light at the beginning only for it to be revealked in the end that he was in fact helping all along!
Not so this time.
But somehow, me got a feeling that even tho Snape was the one who murdered Dumbledore. things may not seem to be how it is. Perhaps Snape is still on the good side. Perhaps, Dumbledore's death was a necessary sacrifice.
Just thought I'd put me thoughts here - just in case I'm proven right in the future!!