Monday, June 06, 2005

Table for 2, please

Note: This was done on me laptop on Friday nite during camp

It was pretty late when we got back from supper last nite. It was actually dinner for me – and Mikes kindly paid for me! Nice of him.

I wanted to spend some time to do the Quiet Time material.

I was and still am at camp. Quiet time is scheduled in the mornings but I usually try to do it the nite before as I rather sleep in late – and I’m so awake at nites anyways.

After that, I took me shower and felt quite fresh. I decided to spend some time wif Jesus. I was glad I did.

No, I’m not trying to brag about how wonderful my spiritual walk is. Rather, it is the other way round. I have strayed so far away from him. Probably the furthest ever for a long long time.

Yet, I had still been busy serving him! Ironic, isn’t it?

During the discussion earlier that nite, my mind was brought to the incident recorded for us in the Bible when Jesus visited Mary and Martha (incidentally, the speaker spoke bout it this morning!!). I felt like I was like Martha, so caught up wif doing tings for him and in the process missing out on sitting at the feet of Jesus.

I was so busy serving him and that I became too busy for him!

I was glad God used the messages to show me how far I have strayed and how much he still wants me to come back – it was like the parable of the prodigal son. He was the father, just waiting for me to leave the pigs and go back to him. And when I do, he’ll run to meet me.

I made it a point to just sit in the living room of this bungalow I’m staying in, invited Jesus to take the seat on my right and asked if he could just spend sum time to chat wif me.

Of course he did. He must have been waiting so long for that!

It was a wonderful time – a little like when 2 good frens who have not spoke to each other meeting up again. There were so many things I wanted to tell him – I guess he just sat back and listened.

Among one of the things I chatted wif him was about the problem I had wif this sister. I had caused offence to her recently and she was really pissed at me. In the end, she did say that she’d accept my apology but she would oso need some time to get over the anger. All that took place over some e-mails, a text message and a phonecall. I have not seen her at all until now at the camp. And I was afraid. I din dare to look her in the eyes – in case I see the anger in them.

What made the whole situation worse was the fact that she was one of me closest frens. It really hurt to know that I caused her pain, albeit, unintentionally. I prayed that in this camp, I would be able to be frens wif her again, to have some normalcy in our relationship.

Anyways, I share wif the Lord about that – and a whole lot of other things. Man, it has been so long since I had such a proper chat wif him. It felt really good.

The living room of the bungalow where I stayed Posted by Hello

Post script:-

The next morning, I got up, got me stuff into me car and drove to the main hall area. As I was parking my car, she walked past and wif a cheeky smile on her face, she gestured at me asking why I was driving when the bungalow was near enuf for me to walk! The she walked away.

I just parked my car wif a smile on me face and thanking God for answering my prayer.

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